Cloudera Enterprise 5.7 is now generally available (comprising CDH 5.7, Cloudera Manager 5.7, and Cloudera Navigator 2.6).
Cloudera is excited to announce the general availability of Cloudera Enterprise 5.7! Main highlights of this release include production-ready Hive-on-Spark functionality, which will help users accelerate their use of Apache Spark as a data processing standard; 2x performance gains for Apache Impala (incubating); easier cluster configuration and utilization reporting; and end-to-end encryption for Apache Spark data.
The release also contains a long list of incremental improvements across the stack, in addition to the usual hundreds of bug fixes (some of which were uncovered during our multi-dimensional hardening/QA process). Here is a partial list of those improvements (see the Release Notes for a full list):
Performance & Scale
- Hive-on-Spark GA (graduates from Cloudera Labs)
- 2x performance gains for Impala: Better join ordering and cardinality estimation, faster query startup, codegen and code optimizations, more
- Support for the Apache HBase WAL on SSD
- Support for the HBase-Spark module (graduates from Cloudera Labs)
- Dramatic performance improvement for backups/DR
Usability & Management
- New per-tenant cluster utilization reporting for YARN and Impala
- Support for portable, scriptable, and versionable cluster configuration
- New SQL formatting in HUE query editor
Security & Governance
- Improved Apache Sentry HDFS sync feature
- Encryption over the wire/on disk for Spark data
- Support for Kerberos and LDAP auth on the same HiveServer2 instance
- New “business views” for data lineage; new managed/secure metadata within Cloudera Navigator
New or Updated Open Source Components
- Apache Spark 1.6 (including support for Spark SQL and Dataframes in PySpark and the package and Pipelines API)
- Apache HBase 1.2
- Apache Impala (incubating) 2.5
- Apache Kafka 0.9 (separate install)
New or Updated Platform Support
- RHEL/CentOS/OEL 7.2
- SLES 11 SP4
- Debian 7.8
- JDK 7_80 and JDK 8_60
Over the next few weeks, we’ll publish blog posts that cover some of these features in detail. In the meantime:
As always, we value your feedback; please provide any comments and suggestions through our community forums. You can also file bugs via