Hello CDH and Impala Users,
We are pleased to announce the release of Hive JDBC v2.5.12 and Impala JDBC v2.5.22.
Hive JDBC v2.5.12 allows you to configure SSL separately from authentication and fixes the following issues:
The getColumns() function returns an empty result set if it uses both schema and table restrictions, and the table restriction contains an escaped wildcard character.
Query translation does not use the database context specified by a USE <database> query.
The driver does not report an error when a MapReduce job fails on the server side during query execution.
Impala JDBC 2.5.22 fixes the following issues:
The getColumns() function returns an empty result set if it uses both schema and table restrictions, and the table restriction contains an escaped wildcard character.
Precision and scale for DECIMAL columns are reported incorrectly.
Query translation does not use the database context specified by a USE <database> query.
These drivers work for versions of HiveServer2 in CDH 4.1 or higher and Impala 1.0 or higher. Previous drivers continue to work on the latest versions of HiveServer2 and Impala as well.
Getting started with the Cloudera Drivers:
As always, we are happy to hear your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to cdh-user@cloudera.org or post to our new Community Forums.