We are pleased to announce the release of Hive ODBC v2.5.18 and Impala ODBC v2.5.32 drivers. This release has the following fixes and enhancements:
Hive ODBC v2.5.18
Enhancements & New Features
- Updated handling of result set metadata
- When connected to Hive 0.14 or later, the driver now reports result set columns as being updatable, improving compatibility with the DotNet Odbc library and OdbcDataAdapter.
- Updated default socket timeout threshold
- The default value of the Socket Timeout option (the SocketTimeout key) has been changed from 30 to 60.
Resolved Issues
- When attempting to connect to the server using a non-Windows version of the driver with Service Discovery Mode enabled, the client stops working
- When executing a parameterized INSERT statement on a DATE, DECIMAL, or TIMESTAMP column, an error occurs
- When executing a query that contains a large number of filters using OR operators, an error occurs
Impala ODBC v2.5.32
- Advanced Kerberos authentication mechanism implemented
- The driver now supports Advanced Kerberos authentication, which allows concurrent connections within the same process to use different Kerberos user principals. For information about how to use this authentication mechanism, see the Cloudera ODBC Driver for Impala Installation and Configuration Guide.
- Updated handling of result set metadata
- The driver now reports result set columns as being updatable, improving compatibility with the DotNet Odbc library and OdbcDataAdapter.
Known issues
- GetTables will return a remarks column, but the column will be empty even if there are remarks defined for tables (IMPALA-3193)
Getting Started with the Cloudera Drivers
As always, we welcome your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to the user group or through our community forums. You can also file bugs through our external JIRA projects on issues.cloudera.org.