Hello, I have a 3 node NiFi Cluster (nifi1, nifi2, and nifi3), using v 1.19.1.
The nodes are each disconnecting consistently from the cluster. They connect, and then disconnect, and then reconnect, and then disconnect over and over...
On nifi1, when I log into the GUI, a warning on the right side of the GUI indicates:
Event reported for nifi3:9443- Node disconnected from cluster due to Have not received a hearbeat from node in 338 seconds.
In the nifi GUI, logging into https://nifi1:9443/nifi, under the cluster section, when i first open this display, no nodes are indicated as connected. When I open the cluster window, an error message "Cannot replicate request to Node nifi1:9443 because the node is not connected. Then, if I wait several minutes and refresh the screen, then all nodes are showing as connected, and then after another refresh nodes disconnect.
There is similar behavior when I log into https://nifi2:9443/nifi. I see a repeating error that includes nifi1, nif2 and nifi3...i.e., Event Reported for nifi3:9443 - Node disconnected from cluster due to Have not received a heartbeat from node in 1230 seconds, and these warning messages repeat with nifi1 and nifi3...
When I attempt to log into nifi3, i am unable. I receive the following error message:
Cannot replicate request to Node nifi1:9443 because the node is not connected.
Can you please advise why this behavior is occurring.