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Activity monitor Issue




I have a 4 node cluster and the node on which Activity monitor service of Cloudera manager service is running is gone down.


In cloudera manager service, i am not getting option to change this role to another host. It is frustrating. In the configuration page i have changed the property also to different host. still it is not getting out. I need to decomission this host and add another node.


How to resolve this issue ? i want to change the role instance of Actvity monitor to another role. The wizard is also not showing any option







I have to delete that node from azure. then Cloudera was not able to find it and i was able to stop and delete the service. Earlier i only stopped that node in Azure. Somehow it still was able to attached to it. Anyhow, that node was of no use so i deleted it. I was able to move the Activity monitor to different host by creating the database for it.


Also, the de-commissioning and deletion of host is also done from cluster. The parcel distribution is also fine now.

View solution in original post


Can you stop the service and delete through CM . Next go to add service and you can see Host monitor option to add to new node.




I have tried that. The service is not getting stopped. Even the inspect hosts on that node results into error. So when i want to decommission node, it says Cloudera Manager Activity Monitor is running stop it first. When i try to stop activity monitor on that node it times out after 90 seconds. 


The screenshot is given below:


The highlighted service 'host' is not available in the cluster. The service is is still started condition and it is not getting stopped.


I am not able to move Activity Monitor to another role instance either, there is no option. Can you assist me in resolving this.


Do i need to create the am and nav databases on different host. At present i want to stop service and delete this host. add this service to new role instance



Activity Monitor.png




I have to delete that node from azure. then Cloudera was not able to find it and i was able to stop and delete the service. Earlier i only stopped that node in Azure. Somehow it still was able to attached to it. Anyhow, that node was of no use so i deleted it. I was able to move the Activity monitor to different host by creating the database for it.


Also, the de-commissioning and deletion of host is also done from cluster. The parcel distribution is also fine now.