Created 04-19-2017 07:38 PM
I'm trying to use a custom JDK with ambari, so I setup the server with ambari-server setup -j <custom_java_home>.
So nothing wrong at that point, the server runs flawlessly.
However, if I try to provision a cluster using blueprints (which doesn't give me a JDK option unlike the manual process), during bootstrap on the agents, a yum install java-openjdk-* is executed at some unknown point...
*Nothing* related is printed to stdout/stderr of the components installation...
Any ideas?
Created 04-19-2017 09:29 PM
ok, here's what the problem was.... in the bootstrap process there are some rpm packages being installed that depend on the package 'java'... as I was installing from source no package could provide java and yum would resolve to openjdk...
here's a little chef snipplet that installs the rpm from oracle (you can grab the url from their official distribution):
execute 'downloading java' do command <<-EOF cd /root && \ wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header \ \"Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie\" \ \"#{node['java']['pkg_url']}\" EOF creates "/root/#{node['java']['pkg_name']}" end yum_package 'java' do source "/root/#{node['java']['pkg_name']}" end
Created 04-19-2017 09:29 PM
ok, here's what the problem was.... in the bootstrap process there are some rpm packages being installed that depend on the package 'java'... as I was installing from source no package could provide java and yum would resolve to openjdk...
here's a little chef snipplet that installs the rpm from oracle (you can grab the url from their official distribution):
execute 'downloading java' do command <<-EOF cd /root && \ wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header \ \"Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie\" \ \"#{node['java']['pkg_url']}\" EOF creates "/root/#{node['java']['pkg_name']}" end yum_package 'java' do source "/root/#{node['java']['pkg_name']}" end