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Authentication of users through beeline

Rising Star

Hello All,


We have CDH 5.4 cluster and kerberos authentication is not enabled on cluster and also we don't have sentry service running in our cluster.


We use beeline client and use "!connect jdbc:hive2://hostname:10000" as a connection string, and entered no credentials (username and password) ,but we are still able to see and access all databases and its tables.


I set  hive.server2.enable.doAs parameter to false and also using the user which doesn't have sudo access to root user, but still I am able to access all data.


I want only certain user with valid password should be able to connect to beeline and rest users should not be able to connect only. 


I believe authentication is the way to do the same or is there any other way to achieve this please?


Can you please help me on this?





Super Guru
You mentioned that "kerberos authentication" and "sentry" are NOT enabled, then you would NOT have any security at all.

That username and password you entered are not checked by hive.

You should enable kerberos authentication and sentry authorization if you want any security in your cluster.

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Super Guru
You mentioned that "kerberos authentication" and "sentry" are NOT enabled, then you would NOT have any security at all.

That username and password you entered are not checked by hive.

You should enable kerberos authentication and sentry authorization if you want any security in your cluster.