I'm getting the below error when trying to add hosts to the Cloudera cluster.
- Cloudera Manager Version: Cloudera Enterprise Trial 7.1.1
- CDH Version: 6.3.2-1.cdh6.3.2.p0.1605554
- Java Version: 1.8.0_232
Scenario steps:
1- Add --> Add Hosts
2- Add hosts to Cluster
3- Specify Hosts:
- Specify the hostname
- SSH Port 22
4- Select Repository:
- Public Cloudera Repository
5- Select JDK:
- Install a Cloudera-provided version of OpenJDK
6- Enter Login Credentials:
- Login to All Hosts as: root
- Authentication Method: All hosts accept same password
- Choose password
- SSH Port 22, Number of Simultaneous Installations: 10
7- Install Agents:
- Status: Installation failed. Failed to copy installation files.
- Details: Failed to copy installation files
Apparently, the path /7.1.1 does not exist, only versions 7.0.3 ( and 7.1.3 ( are available.
Also, the file "allkeys.asc" is only available in the 7.1.3 version.
Please advise.