I loaded some of my own data into Hive and can easily work with it through Hue. I've read a number of topics here about trying to connect to both Impala and Hive. But, when I try to use the connection strings within Zoomdata I simply get failed connections. I believe I have made sure the appropriate ports are open in the Network ACL and that the appropriate Security Groups. I've tried, among others,the following with no success:
jdbc:hive2://<Manager Node IP>:10000/;auth=noSasl
jdbc:hive2://<A Worker Node IP>:10000/default;user=<my username>;password=<my password>
jdbc:impala://<Manager Node IP>:21050/;auth=noSasl
jdbc:impala://<Manager Node IP>:21050/default;user=<my username>;password=<my password>
What am I missing?
I also noticed the following within Hue:
I haven't touched anything related to the Impala configuration. I have started and stopped the instances.
Should that have caused a problem in Impala?
What do I need to do to get impala back up and running?