Created on 09-06-2020 08:18 AM - edited 09-06-2020 09:25 AM
I have 3 HMS and 3 HS2 with HA enabled, from yesterday HS2 and Hive Interactive fails to connect to HMS.
In Debug mode, the HMS logs shows the below output
' DEBUG [HikariPool-1 housekeeper]: pool.HikariPool ( - HikariPool-1 - Pool stats (total=20, active=1, idle=19, waiting=0)
DEBUG [HikariPool-2 housekeeper]: pool.HikariPool ( - HikariPool-2 - Pool stats (total=20, active=0, idle=20, waiting=0)
DEBUG [Timer for 'hivemetastore' metrics system]: impl.MetricsSystemImpl ( - Snapshotted source UgiMetrics
DEBUG [Timer for 'hivemetastore' metrics system]: impl.MetricsSystemImpl ( - Snapshotted source hivemetastore
DEBUG [Timer for 'hivemetastore' metrics system]: impl.MetricsSystemImpl ( - Snapshotted source MetricsSystem,sub=Stats
DEBUG [Timer for 'hivemetastore' metrics system]: impl.MetricsSinkAdapter ( - enqueue, logicalTime=190000
DEBUG [timeline]: impl.MetricsSinkAdapter ( - Pushing record UgiMetrics.ugi.UgiMetrics to timeline
DEBUG [timeline]: impl.MetricsSinkAdapter ( - Pushing record hivemetastore.default.General to timeline
DEBUG [timeline]: impl.MetricsSinkAdapter ( - Pushing record MetricsSystem,sub=Stats.metricssystem.MetricsSystem to timeline
DEBUG [timeline]: impl.MetricsSinkAdapter ( - Done'
'Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large (6518628 > 4194304). You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet' variable.
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readPacket( ~[mysql-connector-java.jar:?]'
The HMS starts with no error but it is not listening on port 9083 and HS2 and Interactive fails to start.
HDP -3.1.0
MySql - 5.7
MySql connector - 5.1.25
Created 09-07-2020 02:17 AM
Can you provide the output from MySQL
show variables like 'max_allowed_packet';
Please also increase the variable in MySQL:
Created 09-07-2020 11:28 AM
'max_allowed_packet' = 4194304
This issue started occurring after I set this property in my.cnf max_allowed_packet= 10M and restarted MySql server. HMS was stuck in sinking metrics and was not connecting to MySql hence HS2 and Interactive failed to connect.
So I reverted the setting in my.cnf and HIVE started working for few hours but fails again.
Created on
01:04 AM
- last edited on
01:13 AM
COuld you adjust the value bit more than 6518628 and check?
Created 09-08-2020 10:41 AM
I've set the value to 32M, but still facing this connection issue between HMS and HS2 servers.
Created 09-08-2020 10:53 PM
Please share the updated logs.I want to check the error