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Creating a partitioned table in hive with sqoop


Hi guys,


 I want the Hive table created by sqoop to have two partitions:


One for 2019 and another for 2020.


But for some reason it is putting "2019,2020" in the year column.




sqoop import \ \
--connection-manager org.apache.sqoop.manager.SQLServerManager \
--driver net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver \
--connect 'jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://SQLQP002:1433;useNTLMv2=true;domain=JNL_NT;databaseName=TC31Reporting' \
--username 'lrm0613' \
--password-alias sqlserver2.password \
--query 'select jobhistoryid, requeueid, jobid,name,event,eventtime,submittime,starttime,service,year(EventTime) as year from JobHistory where year(EventTime)=2019 or year(EventTime)=2020 and $CONDITIONS' \
--hcatalog-database dataengsandbox \
--hcatalog-table JobHistoryPartitioned \
--hive-partition-key year \
--hive-partition-value 2019,2020 \
--compress \
--compression-codec snappy \
--map-column-hive jobid=int \
-m 1 \
--create-hcatalog-table \
--hcatalog-storage-stanza 'stored as parquet'


Master Collaborator

Sqoop can only insert into a single Hive partition at one time. To accomplish what you are trying to do, you can have two separate sqoop commands:

  1. sqoop with --query ... where year(EventTime)=2019 (remove year(EventTime)=2020) and set --hive-partition-value 2019 (not 2020)
  2. sqoop with --query ... where year(EventTime)=2020 (remove year(EventTime)=2019) and set --hive-partition-value 2020 (not 2019)

This way sqoop will write into the one partition you want. Since this is one-time import, the solution should work just fine. Let me know if this works and accept the answer if it makes sense.

View solution in original post


Master Collaborator

Sqoop can only insert into a single Hive partition at one time. To accomplish what you are trying to do, you can have two separate sqoop commands:

  1. sqoop with --query ... where year(EventTime)=2019 (remove year(EventTime)=2020) and set --hive-partition-value 2019 (not 2020)
  2. sqoop with --query ... where year(EventTime)=2020 (remove year(EventTime)=2019) and set --hive-partition-value 2020 (not 2019)

This way sqoop will write into the one partition you want. Since this is one-time import, the solution should work just fine. Let me know if this works and accept the answer if it makes sense.