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DBCP Connection Pool can't connect to "Progress-Database"


Hi everyone,

I have a weird behavior with one of my DBCP Controllers.

I'm trying to conncet to a Progress-Database on The controller is configured as shown: 


When I try to connect the Database (ie. with an "Execute SQL Processor" I get the following error message:


Now the weird thing is: The shown Port number in the error mesage is not the Port I configured in the DBCP Connection.

I thought it's a firewall thing, but when I check the IP via netcat, everything is fine:


I also can succesfully connect to the database with the exact same parameters and *.jar-Files as shown in the first Screenshot when I use a SQL Client like "SQuirreL".

Any Ideas?

Best regards





First things first, as I see in your netcat command, you are connecting to port 31510, whereas in your error message it seems that you are going on port 1025. Something is not right here and you need to check your configurations. Try a netscan on port 1025 as well and see if you have any connectivity. And besides netscan try using telnet as well.

Next, regarding your DBCP Connection Pool, in the property Database Driver Location(s), I highly recommend you to write the full path to the JAR File and not using "." or any other shortcuts.

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First things first, as I see in your netcat command, you are connecting to port 31510, whereas in your error message it seems that you are going on port 1025. Something is not right here and you need to check your configurations. Try a netscan on port 1025 as well and see if you have any connectivity. And besides netscan try using telnet as well.

Next, regarding your DBCP Connection Pool, in the property Database Driver Location(s), I highly recommend you to write the full path to the JAR File and not using "." or any other shortcuts.