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Data Engineer Certification

New Contributor


I am trying to enter the Big Data and have been working as a DWH Analyst for the past 7 years.My question is regarding the Cloudera Data Engineer Certification.

I have not worked on real time Big Data projects but have been taking courses from independent third parties and practicing problems at home

Is it possible for someone to clear the Data Engineer certification without having worked on a real time project


Master Collaborator
It's hard to say without knowing the quality of the training and the quality of your practice and your aptitude. We've put a fairly representative question on . If that sample is immediately obvious and if you look at is and could solve it without too much trouble, then perhaps. If not, then CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer is more appropriate. The distinction is that with CCA, we're validating discrete skills, in CCP, we're evaluating both your skills and higher level mastery skills like analysis, application, evaluation, and synthesis (to put it into traditional Bloom's taxonomy terms).

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Master Collaborator
It's hard to say without knowing the quality of the training and the quality of your practice and your aptitude. We've put a fairly representative question on . If that sample is immediately obvious and if you look at is and could solve it without too much trouble, then perhaps. If not, then CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer is more appropriate. The distinction is that with CCA, we're validating discrete skills, in CCP, we're evaluating both your skills and higher level mastery skills like analysis, application, evaluation, and synthesis (to put it into traditional Bloom's taxonomy terms).

New Contributor
Hi Brad,
Thanks very much for the reply and he information you gave.
I took an online course from a private training institution.I am listing
the course objectives so that it helps you to understand its relevance to
CCP DE Certification

Course Objectives
1. Master the concepts of HDFS and MapReduce framework
2. Understand Hadoop 2.x Architecture
3. Setup Hadoop Cluster and write Complex MapReduce programs
4. Learn data loading techniques using Sqoop and Flume
5. Perform data analytics using Pig, Hive and YARN
6. Implement HBase and MapReduce integration
7. Implement Advanced Usage and Indexing
8. Schedule jobs using Oozie
9. Implement best practices for Hadoop development
10. Work on a real life Project on Big Data Analytics

Master Collaborator
We list the exam objectives. I’d recommend you do a comparison on our website. I would say that exam helps with CCA (though you need to pick up Spark which you should anyway) but it’d be harder to tell with CCP where you could use MapReduce or Spark (you’re choosing).

For example, it says that you learned ingest with Sqoop and Flume but to what level? Do you know how to limit the ingest, do incremental ingests, do you know how to evaluate the data, and transform it and land it on HDFS in a particular format? Do you understand various file formats and compression such that if we give you a scenario you could look at an evaluate whether the data should land in a row-based or columnar format, what compression and partitioning it should get, etc.

For CCP, you should know all that -- and know it well (and much more of course)-- and you have to be able to do all those things, actually write the code or use the tools on the command-line to process the data. In CCA, you have to be able to do it but we’re easier on you. We say “ingest this with Sqoop and land it this way,” or “write the data to Avro” or “evolve this schema” and so on.

New Contributor
Thanks for the reply Brad.It was very helpful.
I have just one final question regarding the exam.
Is Java knowledge required for these exams since I am an Analyst with
experience in SQL.

New Contributor

Hi Hasanj,


CCP is seems to be liberal with the languge or data processing engin(hadoop or spark) you use, if you choose spark then you could do it all with python. You could learn python faster than java.


Im also from DWH back ground, I would suggest you CCA175 certification. But CCA175 require you to write program in Scala and Python. If you are incliend towards programming then you could learn python and scala pretty fast.