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Datanode denied communication with namenode because host is not in the include-list

New Contributor

Hi All,


I was configuring cdh on 5 nodes. I was able to setup all the services and start. These nodes run on different containers in different machines. I'm getting the following error on the HDFS from the containers which are outside the node where CM is installed.


Block pool BP-1483260034- (Datanode Uuid ee42819f-8d0d-40d9-bec6-61d3c708696a) service to hadoop07.tvcom/ beginning handshake with NN


DataNode Initialization failed for Block pool BP-1483260034- (Datanode Uuid      ee42819f-8d0d-40d9-bec6-61d3c708696a) service to Datanode denied communication with namenode because the host is not in the include-list: DatanodeRegistration(, datanodeUuid=ee42819f-8d0d-40d9-bec6-61d3c708696a, infoPort=9864, infoSecurePort=0, ipcPort=9867, storageInfo=lv=-57;cid=cluster12;nsid=993167961;c=1557944678285)


Not sure what i missed.




Expert Contributor

It seems NN refuses to connect to DN, it could be DN is not there in include list file on NN or maybe DNS issue (check /etc/hosts). Can you run the below command and see if the error goes off-

hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes


Further, Check this link -

Super Collaborator
In CM you can also go to CM -> HDFS -> Click on active "Namenode" link -> Open "Actions" dropdown -> Select "Refresh node list"