Created 08-22-2017 05:16 AM
Hi All,
We are trying to use Cloudbreak for launching hdp cluster on EC2 instances. When we launch the cluster, by default it takes hostname as "ip-XX-XXX-XX-XX" for Instances.
As per our understanding, we need two files (hostmap.json & cluster_config.json) to launch the cluster. In Cloudbreak, we don't have a provision to select two files. We can select only one file.
Does Cloudbreak support launching instances with specific hostname?
Created 08-22-2017 09:18 AM
Hi @Shyam Shaw,
You are right, 1.16.1 doesn't contain the advanced options, but you can use the Cloudbreak wide environment variable. Unfortunately it will apply domain name for all the clusters what you spin up.
Created 08-22-2017 06:14 AM
Hi @Shyam Shaw,
You have two options. First there is a Cloudbreak wide environment variable what you can set in your Profile called `CB_HOST_DISCOVERY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN`. This will applied all the clusters where you don't specify any domain name.
The second option is under "Advanced Options" on the cluster create form (or Cloudbreak shell). If yoou open the options you should see the following inputs:
Created 08-22-2017 08:36 AM
Hi @rkovacs,
Thanks for your response but we are unable to find the options under "Advanced Options". Could you please guide us on the exact path or if you could provide any screenshot. We are using Cloudbreak Deployer 1.16.1.
Created 08-22-2017 09:18 AM
Hi @Shyam Shaw,
You are right, 1.16.1 doesn't contain the advanced options, but you can use the Cloudbreak wide environment variable. Unfortunately it will apply domain name for all the clusters what you spin up.
Created 08-22-2017 11:16 AM
Hi @rkovacs,
Thanks for your suggestions.
Created 11-07-2017 07:12 PM
Can you tell which version DOES contain these custom domain option? And how to deploy on Azure with ARM?
This is now a deal-breaker for us... so it can also be an RC or DEV version.. we are testing 1.16.4 now
Created 11-28-2017 04:20 PM
Hi @Nic Swart,
Sorry for the late answer. Cloudbreak 1.16.5 has the environemnt variable CB_HOST_DISCOVERY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN.