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Eclipse to Sandbox

Rising Star


I am new to HDP and hadoop.I managed to install HDP 2.3 sandbox on Virtual box.

I tried a few sample programs and they are working fine from the sandbox.

I have installed Eclipse with Scala in my Windows machine.

At present ,I use SBT and package my application and deploy the jar in the HDP Sandbox for execution.

I would like to execute programs from my Eclipse against the HDP sandbox directly instead of packaging it each and every time.

A sample code which I am trying to modify

val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(“Simple Application”).setMaster(“local[2]”).set(“spark.executor.memory”,”1g”)

I guess , I have to change the local[2] to the master node / yarn cluster url.

How do I get the url from the sandbox ?

Any other configurations which has to be done on the Virtual box or on my code ?



You have to switch master to "yarn-client" . I believe you will also need to have HADOOP_CONF_DIR and YARN_CONF_DIR and probably make a copy of those configs from sandbox to a directory that is on your classpath in eclipse. Sorry I have not done it personally

View solution in original post



You have to switch master to "yarn-client" . I believe you will also need to have HADOOP_CONF_DIR and YARN_CONF_DIR and probably make a copy of those configs from sandbox to a directory that is on your classpath in eclipse. Sorry I have not done it personally


Hi @Saptak Sen,

I want the same way... so execute programs from Eclipse under my HDP Sandbox 2.5.

Please let me know step by step all configurations to be applied from my windows environment
