Created 11-01-2016 08:42 AM
I am planning to enable the HDFS Storage-Balancer as per this article: I plan to use the defaults, but change the "dfs.datanode. available-space- volume-choosing- policy.balanced- space-preference- fraction" to 1.0 (understanding that this could result in some bottlenecks.
My questions about this process are:
1) We are also running HBase in this cluster, with RegionServers colocated with the Datanodes. Are there any gotchas that should be considered given this?
2) We don't have CM Enterprise, so the official rolling restart is not available to us. Is it possible to restart the Datanode role on nodes individually?
Thank you.
Created 11-09-2016 03:48 AM
Created 11-09-2016 03:48 AM
Created 11-11-2016 04:58 PM
Thank you!