Created 10-03-2024 06:15 AM
I am using the EnforceOrder in order to sort the flow files. This procesosr is maintaning state and i want to clear in it some regular interval for e.g. 4 min. I am runnig NIFI over a cluster. I am clearing the state through Inactive Timeout propery by setting it 4 min. I can see some time state is clear and most of the time not. Please help in a resolution for how clear state consistently.
Created 10-03-2024 08:51 AM
The EnforceOrder processor maintain state locally specific to each node in the cluster. When you right click on the processor an view state, you are seeing the reported retained local state form each node. The purge of state will only happen on a specific node where the criteria necessary for purge has been met.
Might be helpful to share your processor configuration here including properties and scheduling.
How are the Source FlowFiles being ingested and fed to this processor?
You can look at lineage on the EnforceOrder processor to see FlowFile history.
Created on 10-03-2024 09:14 AM - edited 10-03-2024 11:46 AM
Hi @MattWho
Here is the configuration attached. I am setting Inactive Timeout as 2 min. Though after 10 min still the view state is not clear. Please refer to both screenshots. Flow is as below
ListFile-->UpdateAttribute for Order attribute-->EnforceOrder--> Further processing through other processor
Created 10-04-2024 09:50 AM
Tell me a bit more about your ListFile processor configuration.
I assume you are extracting the sequenceNo from the filename.
As far as Enforce Order goes: