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Error while configuring HUE for HDFS

Expert Contributor

Team ,


I have installed and configured HUE .but i see below error when i try to access HDSF .


Cannot access: /user/admin.

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=50070): Max retries exceeded with url: /webhdfs/v1/user/admin?op=GETFILESTATUS& (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO', 'unknown protocol')],)",),))



I have logged in to HUE using default admin password . DO i have to configure LDAP before accessing HUE ? . I see its going to /user/admin wheer that folder might not be available in hdfs .


Super Guru

@bhara You do not have to use LDAP.  You can create the users in HUE admin, using the first admin user you created.  If you want to configure LDAP please see official documentation here:


You will need to make the LDAP hue.ini changes via ambari in the HUE->Config->Advanced->Advanced Hue-Ini and restart hue after each change.


Your error above are 2 issues I notice:

  1. SSL Configuration for HDFS.  Your HUE truststore must have the ssl certs for hdfs hosts
  2. HDFS Configuration - Doc Here


The SSL Example links above are not specific to your case (HDP) but still apply.  Also I am assuming you have hdfs secure.   The links I share for SSL outline the fundamentals required to put the right HDFS and SSL settings in hue.ini for secure access to hdfs.


The HDFS Configuration link is official documentation for HDFS.


You will need to make the SSL hue.ini changes via ambari in the HUE->Config->Advanced->Advanced Hue-Ini and restart hue after each change.


View solution in original post


Super Guru

@bhara You do not have to use LDAP.  You can create the users in HUE admin, using the first admin user you created.  If you want to configure LDAP please see official documentation here:


You will need to make the LDAP hue.ini changes via ambari in the HUE->Config->Advanced->Advanced Hue-Ini and restart hue after each change.


Your error above are 2 issues I notice:

  1. SSL Configuration for HDFS.  Your HUE truststore must have the ssl certs for hdfs hosts
  2. HDFS Configuration - Doc Here


The SSL Example links above are not specific to your case (HDP) but still apply.  Also I am assuming you have hdfs secure.   The links I share for SSL outline the fundamentals required to put the right HDFS and SSL settings in hue.ini for secure access to hdfs.


The HDFS Configuration link is official documentation for HDFS.


You will need to make the SSL hue.ini changes via ambari in the HUE->Config->Advanced->Advanced Hue-Ini and restart hue after each change.