Created 04-05-2016 10:35 AM
I have a simple NIFI Flow to read results from HIVE tables,please find the image below.
ExecuteSQL throws exception when tried to issue simple HIVEQL like 'show tables' or 'select * from <tablename>.
Database Connection Pooling Service is set with HIVE credentials and its status is "Enabled".
'hive-jdbc-x.x.x-standalone.jar' is used for Database DriverJar Url in configuration of DCPS.
'hadoop-common-x.x.x.jar' is set as part of system CLASSPATH.
Can any point out whats missing to make this simple flow workable.
NIFI 0.6.0 is used.
Thanks in adv,
Created 04-05-2016 11:44 AM
Even with the standalone JAR, ExecuteSQL will not work with Hive due to the Hive JDBC driver not implementing some of the JDBC API calls made by ExecuteSQL. There is a Jira case to add Hive support:
There are some workarounds described in the following nifi-users email (from the archive):
Created 04-05-2016 11:44 AM
Even with the standalone JAR, ExecuteSQL will not work with Hive due to the Hive JDBC driver not implementing some of the JDBC API calls made by ExecuteSQL. There is a Jira case to add Hive support:
There are some workarounds described in the following nifi-users email (from the archive):