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Fail to open SparkInterpreter

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@zenaskun001 Welcome to the Cloudera Community!

To help you get the best possible solution, can you please elaborate on your issue, share logs or screenshots of your error?

Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.


Diana Torres,
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Master Collaborator

Hi @zenaskun001 

Could you please provide more details to check your issue. 

Check the following things:

1. By default SparkInterpreter will be installed. Check in your case $ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreters location Spark Interpreter is installed or not.

2. After proper installation, you need to restart the Zeppelin and its related Components like Spark.

3. After restarting the Zeppelin service, try to login and check the Interpreter is installed or not.

4. As a last step, you need to check the Zeppelin logs (/var/log/zeppelin) path.