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HIVE : counting null values based on group by

Super Collaborator

Hello All,

I am trying to group all records for a table by "date" which is also a column. I need to count the number of null values for each column in the table grouped by date.

All the columns are of numeric type double/int.

Below is a sample input/output requirement



Simple select query that helps accomplish this requirement is select date,count(*) as c1_null from t1 where c1 is null group by date

I chain this select pattern for every c'i' columns.

This works fine only if every value for a given column is null and returns an empty result set if at least one column is non null.

What is a way to accomplish this?

Any help appreciated.

Thanks -arun


WITH t1nulltest AS
( select date_column
,SUM(IF(c1 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c1null
,SUM(IF(c2 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c2null
,SUM(IF(c3 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c3null
,SUM(IF(c4 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c4null
,SUM(IF(c5 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c5null
,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as rowno
from t1) 
  date_column, c1null, c2null,c3null,c4null,c5null from t1nulltest
  where rowno =1;

View solution in original post


Super Collaborator

Sample create and insert as below -

create table t1(date_column string, c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int, c5 int);

insert into t1 values("d1",1,1,1,1,1);
insert into t1 (date_column,c1) values ("d1",1);
insert into t1 (date_column,c1) values ("d2",1);
insert into t1 values("d2",1,1,1,1,1);

I was expecting the below query to return 0 for d1 and d2, unfortunately got an empty result set.

select count(*) from t1 where c1 is null group by date_column;

WITH t1nulltest AS
( select date_column
,SUM(IF(c1 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c1null
,SUM(IF(c2 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c2null
,SUM(IF(c3 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c3null
,SUM(IF(c4 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c4null
,SUM(IF(c5 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c5null
,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as rowno
from t1) 
  date_column, c1null, c2null,c3null,c4null,c5null from t1nulltest
  where rowno =1;

Super Collaborator

Thanks @Ancil McBarnett. Appreciate it.


You can also achieve this by using following query:

SELECT date_column, 
	count(*)-count(c1) as null_c1, 
	count(*)-count(c2) as null_c2, 
	count(*)-count(c3) as null_c3, 
	count(*)-count(c4) as null_c4 
FROM t1 
GROUP BY date_column;

New Contributor

@amcbarnett : i am trying to aggregate a data using "state,count( distinct val ) group by state " but want just the "Not Null"

Val - String datatype