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Hortonworks sandbox docker on google cloud

New Contributor

Hi ,

version : 2.6.5

os : centos 6

machine name : docker

I have configured hortonworks sandbox docker on my google cloud. when I try to access the ambari page , it is not working. - >external Ip address in google cloud. is pingable from my local machine.

8080 port is already opened from google cloud firewall rules section.

Can you please assist me how to access ambari url from my local machine? Is there anything special to do access amabri from docker ?

[root@docker ~]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                        NAMES
c752c6bb67f6        hortonworks/sandbox-hdp:2.6.5   "/usr/sbin/init"    45 hours ago        Up 20 seconds       22/tcp, 4200/tcp, 8080/tcp   sandbox-hdp
[root@docker ~]# docker exec -it sandbox-hdp /bin/bash
[root@sandbox-hdp /]# ambari-server status
Using python  /usr/bin/python
Ambari-server status
Ambari Server running
Found Ambari Server PID: 413 at: /var/run/ambari-server/



Hi @Arulkumar A

Tried deploying HDP 2.6.5 docker image on a google cloud instance and was able to bring up Ambari on the External IP and port 8080.

Here are the steps that were followed:

1. Created a firewall rule to port 8080 for all incoming IP's

2. This was done from Project -> Networking -> VPC network -> Firewall Rules -> create firewall rule

create a tag under 'Target tags'

Under 'source filters' select IP ranges and provide as the source IP ranges

specify tcp:8080 for protocols and ports

3. Customize the VM instance created on google cloud as follows

Add the previously created tag to 'Network tags' in the instance

Check box enabled for "Allow http traffic"

Downloaded zip file from hortonworks sandbox docker download link

Extracted the zip file and executed 'sh'

4. Could access Ambari on the link http://<External IP>:8080

Couple of observations from your deployment

1. From the docker ps output, it looks like only one container is running.

If the deployment is successful, there needs to be a sandbox hdp and a proxy container running.

2. It is recommended to go with a CentOS 7 instance for the deployment as docker suggests the same in its documentation.

Could you please check if your firewall rule is allowing incoming traffic for all IP range?

It looks like the issue might be with the firewall rule not allowing incoming requests to access port 8080.

Additionally, you could also check if there is process listening on port 8080 using the following command

netstat -tuln | grep 8080


View solution in original post



Hi @Arulkumar A

Tried deploying HDP 2.6.5 docker image on a google cloud instance and was able to bring up Ambari on the External IP and port 8080.

Here are the steps that were followed:

1. Created a firewall rule to port 8080 for all incoming IP's

2. This was done from Project -> Networking -> VPC network -> Firewall Rules -> create firewall rule

create a tag under 'Target tags'

Under 'source filters' select IP ranges and provide as the source IP ranges

specify tcp:8080 for protocols and ports

3. Customize the VM instance created on google cloud as follows

Add the previously created tag to 'Network tags' in the instance

Check box enabled for "Allow http traffic"

Downloaded zip file from hortonworks sandbox docker download link

Extracted the zip file and executed 'sh'

4. Could access Ambari on the link http://<External IP>:8080

Couple of observations from your deployment

1. From the docker ps output, it looks like only one container is running.

If the deployment is successful, there needs to be a sandbox hdp and a proxy container running.

2. It is recommended to go with a CentOS 7 instance for the deployment as docker suggests the same in its documentation.

Could you please check if your firewall rule is allowing incoming traffic for all IP range?

It looks like the issue might be with the firewall rule not allowing incoming requests to access port 8080.

Additionally, you could also check if there is process listening on port 8080 using the following command

netstat -tuln | grep 8080


New Contributor

@Vinesh Paul Thank you very much.