Re: How delete files created in user directory wit... - Cloudera Community - 192887

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How delete files created in user directory with hive queries in a secured cluster [impersonation disabled]?


How delete files created in user directory with hive queries in the next case:

If I execute this query:

INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY 'hdfs://hdp_cluster/user/my_user/output_folder' SELECT * FROM table_x

I'll have a folder (output_folder) with "hive" as owner (hive:hdfs). How can the final handle this?

Data: We have kerberos + ranger with hive impersonation disabled.



@Rodrigo Mendez

I have just validated, if you set hive.server2.enable.doas=true. The end directory(hdfs://hdp_cluster/user/my_user/output_folder) will be created with user name who ever is running that job.

Please check your Kerberos ticket for that user and proxy configurations. Hope this helps you.


Hi Sridhar!

Impersonation in hive is disabled (you set hive.server2.enable.doas=false).


@Rodrigo Mendez what is the final result ? you need the files from user(s) directories to be removed ? Why do you want to perform this action from hive, you could easily do so by scripting (if you have multiple directories) from hdfs command.


Hi @Shyam Sunder Rai!

Yes, it's easy for me as admin but I want to know if the same user that executes the query has a way to delete these files.