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How do I clear state automatically on ListS3 Processor?

New Contributor



I am trying to run a crontab flow to import csv files in S3 object storage.
It tries to proceed in the order of ListS3 -> FetchS3, but after executing ListS3 once, the next crontab job is not started because of the state cache.
I want to perform ListS3 flow with crontab schedule every day. Is there a way to automatically clear state information


New Contributor

You can use Nifi Rest Api to do this like below:
curl -i -X POST http://${ip}:${port}/nifi-api/processors/${id}/state/clear-requests


I'm new to NiFi. How to run this command to clear state of a nifi processor. Do we need tokenid or some thing else to run this?

Super Mentor


If you NiFi is running secured (HTTPS), then every action must be authenticated and authorized and this includes calls made to the NiFi rest API.

NiFi by default will always support a client/user certificate for authentication as the first attempted method of authentication.  Using a valid client/user certificate is the most common method used when interacting with NiFi via the rest-api because it does not require the client to acquire a bearer token like other methods such as the ldap-provider.  Also Bearer tokens are only valid on the node from which it was acquired (Can't use token issued by node 1 on node 2, 3, 4, etc...).

The best way to to see how these commands are executed is using the developer tools in your browser while executing the actions via the NiFI Ui directly. You can even copy the curl command from the developer tools. 
For example, in Chrome browser click on the settings --> more tools --> Developer tools

From UI that opens click the "Network" tab.
Now you can see the calls being made as you perform them via the UI and can right click on any call and select copy as curl.

Now if you still want to use Tokens, here is one example based off using a login provider:
To get a token for a user:

curl 'https://<nifi-hostname>:<nifi-port>/nifi-api/access/token' --data-raw 'username=<username>&password=<password>' --compressed --insecure

The return from the above is your bearer token for the user.  This bearer token is only valid for the duration of the configured expiration in the login-identity-providers.xml file.

The following command then can be used to fetch the current state on a processor (<TOKEN> is the string returned from above):

curl 'https://<nifi-hostname>:<nifi-port>/nifi-api/processors/<processor-UUID>/state' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' --compressed --insecure

The following command then can be used to clear the state on a processor:

curl 'https://<nifi-hostname>:<nifi-port>/nifi-api/processors/<processor-UUID>/state/clear-requests' -X 'POST' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' --compressed --insecure

Since you setup may be totally different in how it is setup to authenticate your users, it is best to use the browser's developer tools to to see the rest-api action in progress to understand the interactions.

Hope this helps,