Created 10-06-2015 11:20 PM
In the course of testing the usersync tool, we had some settings wrong and the users are mis-synced. We'd like to clear them all out and restart the sync. Is there an easy way/tool to remove all the external users from the Ranger / Ranger usersync database so we can resync with our new settings?
Created 10-06-2015 11:26 PM
Created 11-11-2015 08:14 PM
log into the ranger database, and delete the following rows in order.
delete from x_group_users where added_by_id in (1,2)
delete from x_user where added_by_id in (1,2)
delete from x_group where added_by_id in (1,2)
Created 12-07-2016 12:27 PM
Using version 0.5.x. Had to modify as following.
delete from x_group_users where added_by_id in (1,2); delete from x_policy_item_user_perm where user_id in (select id from x_user where added_by_id in (1,2)); delete from x_user where added_by_id in (1,2); delete from x_policy_item_group_perm where group_id in (select id from x_group where added_by_id in (1,2)); delete from x_group where added_by_id in (1,2); delete from x_user_module_perm where added_by_id in (1,2); delete from x_portal_user_role where added_by_id in (1,2); delete from x_portal_user where added_by_id in (1,2);
Created 02-10-2016 10:17 PM
I have a follow up question on this.
Lets say I removed all the users from Ranger which were synced from a local unix server and then re-configured to sync users from an AD domain/group. In this case, do II need to create "hive" user on that particular AD group before I can create a policy to let hive queries run as hive user instead of end users on the cluster? what about other service accounts like mapred, yarn etc .. do I need to create all those accounts on AD? please advise.
Created 02-11-2016 10:37 PM
Yes, if the users are removed from Ranger DB, service users also need to be re-sync'ed.
Created 10-12-2016 08:20 AM
You can also go for a full reset of the ranger_admin databases by following these steps:
I had to go for this option after my manual interventions with the database led to problems on the Ranger WebUI. Downside of this is that the Ranger plugin services also have to be reconfigured, so beware