Created 09-23-2016 10:19 AM
Is there any way by which i can install hdp without yum ?
any help will be apprecialbe.
@Neeraj Sabharwal
Created 09-24-2016 01:24 AM
Assuming that you reasons is that your user does not have yum privilege, you can try local repository approach if there is no access to internet and yum steps should be optional. You could start by installing Ambari:
Created 09-24-2016 01:20 AM
What is your reason to avoid yum? I'd like to know the driver.
Created 09-24-2016 01:24 AM
Assuming that you reasons is that your user does not have yum privilege, you can try local repository approach if there is no access to internet and yum steps should be optional. You could start by installing Ambari:
Created 10-07-2016 05:34 PM
@Vinay Sharma
you can download the rpm of ambari and try to install through ambari:-