I am designed pipeline to load the data from HDFS loaction to Hive partition table.I have created two Feed xml files and one process xml using falcon .The one feed provide the input to falcon process entity(i.e. HDFS location where data actually resides) and another which store the data into hive table(which is present in hive and partitioned).
The Feeds are succeeded thought out the pipeline but falcon process is failing with error like
org.apache.oozie.action.ActionExecutorException: IllegalArgumentException: Can not create a Path from an empty string
at org.apache.oozie.action.ActionExecutor.convertException(ActionExecutor.java:445)
I can able to see feeds are running successfully but there is something problem with process entity and one thing more,I am scheduled to run one hive script to achieve this whole pipeline.
LOAD DATA INPATH '$input' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE "${falcon_output_table}" PARTITION(${falcon_output_partitions_hive});
Here I don't understand why oozie is throwing such a error,whether it's hive error or oozie error?
Thank in advance,
Please share yous ideas with me regarding this issue.