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Title | Views | Posted |
5791 | 03-19-2020 03:18 AM | |
3777 | 01-31-2020 01:08 AM | |
1639 | 01-30-2020 05:45 AM | |
2882 | 06-01-2016 12:56 PM | |
3401 | 05-23-2016 08:46 AM |
03:18 AM
Initially , My query was not converted in one line.Due to which i was facing syntax error in beeline itself. I converted complete big query into one line and working now.
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11:02 PM
@EricL Thanks for your reply. I am getting below error in hiveserver log. 10:20:02 START Executing current statement for: 'SCIP_Test_Env' [Hive] 10:20:03 FAILED [SELECT - 0 rows, 0.574 secs] [Code: 0, SQL State: 08S01] HTTP Response code: 500
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06:46 AM
Hi All, I have implement almost 300 lines of hive query. The query template is as below. Insert into targetTable Select col1,col2...........cols . . . . (Almost 300 lines in select query with lots of case when statemnet) From source table My observation is that it works without giving any error in apache zeppeline. But when i trying to execute it through beeline it's failing with transport exception response code 500. Other observation,when i remove few number of columns from select query in that also it works fine. I do not understand why query is failing ? I need to know the reason behind failure? Thanks in advance
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
03:06 AM
Accidently , I marked this answer as resolved . @rajkumar_singh I am getting below output after executing "hdfs groups <username>" command. <username>@<kerberose principle > : domain users dev_sudo As i am not much aware of cluster configuration So , Could you please help me to understand the output of this command.
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08:26 PM
Hi Everyone, We have enabled hive compaction on transnational table in order to improve fetch query performance.Somehow it's not working at my end, am facing attached error which i observed in "hivemetastore.log". Can somebody please let us know, How this issue can be resolved ?
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
07:48 AM
I am also not able to understand, whether compaction is enabled on my table or not? Does anyone know how to filter the output of show compactions query.
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09:18 AM
Hi all, Above solution is failing at one scenario, Scenario: if multiple flow files processed at a time and landed in the nifi queue which is used after update query ( i.e. puthiveql which increment processed_file_cnt by one for every flow file ) processor ,then there might be chances of triggering the next flow multiple times and that is wrong. Because we do select processed_file_cnt first and then doing the comparison for processed_file_cnt with input_file_cnt.
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08:49 PM
Hi , My assumptions was wrong , putsql processor does execute update query per flowfile
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01:08 AM
1 Kudo
I have resolved this problem statement with the below approach 1. Count the number of input_file_count (fragments.count gives me the result) 2. Prepare transnational table with the scheam (primary_key_id , processesed_file_cnt). 3. Add inital record at the beginning of the NiFi pipeline using INSERT INTO command. e.g. INSERT INTO <tableName> values(23,0) 4. Keep on update the processed_file_cnt using update query by one for each batch 5. select processed_file_cnt column and compare it with input_file_count. 6. If matched , then kick start next flow else terminate Unmatched relationship to same RouteOnAttribute processor.
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05:45 AM
Thanks for reaching out to me. It was my mistake , I was redirecting/connecting the wrong out port to pg2_in. It's resolved now
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