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IllegalArgumentException in Create Table Hive with SerDe
- Labels:
Apache HBase
Apache Hive
Created ‎07-13-2016 02:38 PM
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Hello everyone,
I am trying to integrate Hive with an HBase instance that uses Avro to store data. I have followed the procedure described in the documentation here. In HBase I have one table called 'events' with one column family (masterdata) and one payload column (payload).
The stack is running on Hortonworks 2.4:
Hive: 1.2.1,
Hbase: 1.1.2
HDFS: 2.7.1
The procedure to create the table in Hive is stored as setup.hql:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE masterdata_events ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseSerDe' STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( "hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,masterdata:payload", "masterdata.payload.serialization.type"="avro", "masterdata.payload.avro.schema.url" = 'hdfs://cluster/schema.avsc', "hive.serialization.extend.nesting.levels" = "true" ) TBLPROPERTIES ("hbase.table.name" = "events", "hbase.struct.autogenerate"="true");
I run it with 'hive -f setup.hql'. The output is as follows:
OK Time taken: 2.625 seconds OK Time taken: 3.301 seconds OK Time taken: 0.066 seconds FAILED: IllegalArgumentException Error: : expected at the end of 'string:struct<product:struct<productmain:struct<id:string,...so on and so on ...>'
Now, I would like to point out that the amount of characters between the two single quotes is 4008. After a search on google, I have found an answer from another user in this community stating that you have to increase the size of the SERDE_PARAMS in the Hive Metadata store. Now, despite the workaround, I am still experiencing the same issue. I have also tried to use "masterdata.payload.avro.schema.literal" as well, but nothing has changed. The avro schema is valid json (verified).
Could you please give me any hints?
Created ‎07-14-2016 11:25 AM
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have you added following property in TBLPROPERTIES
"hbase.struct.autogenerate"= "true"
This allows you to avoid manually creating the columns and types for Avro schemas
And ,I think hive.serialization.extend.nesting.levels may not be in affect as it is used by lazySimpleSerde
Created ‎07-14-2016 11:25 AM
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have you added following property in TBLPROPERTIES
"hbase.struct.autogenerate"= "true"
This allows you to avoid manually creating the columns and types for Avro schemas
And ,I think hive.serialization.extend.nesting.levels may not be in affect as it is used by lazySimpleSerde
Created ‎07-14-2016 01:57 PM
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Thanks a lot for your answer, @Ankit Singhal! Yes, I have added the property
"hbase.struct.autogenerate" = "true"
in the setup.hql file. In regards to the "hive.serialization.extend.nesting.levels", I had to add it, because I was receiving an error message like this:
ERROR ql.Driver: FAILED: SemanticException org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException: Number of levels of nesting supported for LazySimpleSerde is 8 Unable to work with 9 levels
or something similar. After I added that line, it started working just to break to IllegalArgumentException - I am not sure if they are somehow related (?).