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Impala ODBC driver


Hi Guys, We are using Power BI as our reporting tool, as PBI is not supporting Kerbores security even though they have direct conncetor to Impala from PBI we have downloaded Cloudera ODBC driver for Impala version (64 bit) and configured it in system dsn, It is all working if I connect to PBI to this ODBC driver and I can pull all required tables and create my reports on top of it in PBI, Also I can manually refresh data, It's all great till now, But when I try to sechdule dynamic refresh data by installing Power BI gateway on a server and try to give data source details it is throwing me an below error, I have consulted Microsoft guys and they are saying that this is a driver issue since the error is HY****, But i am struggling to understand when it can connect and refresh when I do it manually why the problem with driver when we try to sechdule,


Somebody can look into this asap please for me so that I can get back to Microsoft with the update


Errro : ***** 

ODBC: ERROR [HY000] [Cloudera][ImpalaODBC] (100) Error from the Impala Thrift API: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations: Input/output error; system lib; system lib ERROR [HY000] [Cloudera][ImpalaODBC] (100) Error from the Impala Thrift API: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations: Input/output error; system lib; system lib  *****


Please help me on this 





This is an error from the Cloudera ODBC driver. This error typically means that you have set the location of the SSL cert or truststore but it can't find it at that given location or no location was set at all.

You mentioned Kerberos but not SSL. Are you using SSL with Impala?


Yes I am using SSL & certificates.In order to connect to impala at my company, we need to use a certificate file (i.e. an .PEM file).

Also to add on, as mentioned above when I connect to power bi it is identifying the certificate which we defined the location in SSL options Trusted Certificates

If I understand this correctly, you set up a PowerBI gateway on a different machines, you are using the Cloudera ODBC driver, and have set up a DSN on said machine.

If yes, in that DSN did you enable SSL and set the PEM file location? Did you upload the PEM cert to that location on that host?


I have set up Power bI gateway in the same machine in which I configured ODBC details, also in that DSN did you enable SSL and set the PEM file location? Did you upload the PEM cert to that location on that host? Yes I did that, as said when I try to connect to Power BI directly to the odbc it is working only when I install gateway and try scheduling the refresh I get this error, I have configured that in SSL Options --> Trusted Certificates 


FYI again its working when I connect to PBI Directly, the problem only comes when I try the schedule refresh of data


Thanks for your help, Looking forward for your response


I have made it work finally, The issue is with PBI, After installing gateway it has it's own service account from which it connects to the driver which doesn't have access to so it's failing, I need to change the service account to windows service account with which I logged in service seetings in On premises Gateway (Power BI) and it worked


Thanks a lot for your time

