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Impala services fail on QuickStartVM


I downloaded the quickstart VM for Windows and I’ve managed to create Hive table with 20 odd million rows based on a set of large CSVs, but I’m a bit stuck with Impala as it doesn’t seem to work out of the box.


I can see my Hive table in the navigation pane on the left, but when I try and interact with Impala I get this:


“Could not connect to quickstart.cloudera:21050 (code THRIFTTRANSPORT): TTransportException('Could not connect to quickstart.cloudera:21050',)”


I found some forum postings saying to check the impala services are running, and they weren’t. If I start them they start and then fail. The culprit seems to be the statestore which has this in the log:


“Log file created at: 2017/07/06 04:25:34

Running on machine: quickstart.cloudera

Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg

E0706 04:25:34.694190 13778] stderr will be logged to this file.

E0706 04:25:34.770515 13821] ThriftServer 'StatestoreService' (on port: 24000) exited due to TException: Could not create server socket.: Address family not supported by protocol

E0706 04:25:34.771359 13778] ThriftServer 'StatestoreService' (on port: 24000) did not start correctly

F0706 04:25:34.771697 13778] ThriftServer 'StatestoreService' (on port: 24000) did not start correctly

. Impalad exiting.

*** Check failure stack trace: ***

    @          0x1b5572d  (unknown)

    @          0x1b58056  (unknown)

    @          0x1b5524d  (unknown)

    @          0x1b58afe  (unknown)

    @           0xb48be0  (unknown)

    @           0x7d17dc  (unknown)

    @       0x3389c1ed5d  (unknown)

    @           0x80257d  (unknown)

Wrote minidump to /var/log/impala/minidumps/statestored/748cf330-58ba-037c-346a2772-2ac43d8e.dmp”


I checked the forums but I didn’t find anything useful to help fix this.


Can anyone help?






After a bit of googling I managed to figure it out. I found out that my VM didnt have any Internet access, and after lots of messing around trying to figure out why the vmWare Bridge adapter wasn't working, I found other people had found the vmWare installation didn't manage to install the bridge adapter correctly due to anti-virus software detecting it as malware. I dont remember seeing any errors during installation, but I reinstalled vmWare from scratch with my anti-virus software disabled and the bridge adapter worked fine. IPv6 was enabled on the QuickStart VM and then Impala worked fine.



View solution in original post


There are a few SO entries and the message triggers thoughts of IPv6. Impala and Hadoop do not like IPv6. Check to see if it is enable. Either disable it or try to ensure that the Impala Statestore binds to an IPv4 address. I'll poke around to see if the latter is even possible.


After a bit of googling I managed to figure it out. I found out that my VM didnt have any Internet access, and after lots of messing around trying to figure out why the vmWare Bridge adapter wasn't working, I found other people had found the vmWare installation didn't manage to install the bridge adapter correctly due to anti-virus software detecting it as malware. I dont remember seeing any errors during installation, but I reinstalled vmWare from scratch with my anti-virus software disabled and the bridge adapter worked fine. IPv6 was enabled on the QuickStart VM and then Impala worked fine.



Community Manager

Congratulations on finding solving this one. I do believe this is the first time I have heard of antivirus software causing an issue on the QuickStart VM. I'll have to read up on that a bit myself. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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Just to clarify it was VMware Workstation installation causing the problem with the bridge adapter on Windows 10. I have McAfee installed and tried reinstalling it with McAfee disabled, and then the bridge adapter seemed to function properly. I didn't really determine if McAfee caused the installation problem or not.

Community Manager

Ah, yes. I should have been clearer in my wording. I meant the VM itself. 🙂


Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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@stevearcherDid you try switching on the  anti-virus software after you brought up your vm and impala ? Just curious to know 


After reinstalling Workstation the AV restarted itself automatically after an hour. The VM is currently running OK with AV also running at the same time. It appears to be a problem at the point of installation.