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In Production Level HA Cluster Do we need dedicated servers for JournalNodes and zookepers ?


In Production Level HA Cluster Do we need dedicated servers for JournalNodes and zookepers ? what are the recommendation ?


Super Collaborator

@Duminda Jayasuriya

My understanding is it is always a good idea to have separate server for JournalNodes and zookeepers in production environment with HA. Also for cost-effectiveness JournalNodes and zookeepers can be co-hosted. Co-hosing comes with the prize of downtime of all services which are co-hosted.

Both zookeeper and JournalNodes are quorum based system. Co-hosting them with master nodes will give only 2 nodes, rest of the nodes should be hosted on separate machines.

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not really required . we can installed ZK on any master nodes and JN on any data nodes.

Super Collaborator

@Duminda Jayasuriya

My understanding is it is always a good idea to have separate server for JournalNodes and zookeepers in production environment with HA. Also for cost-effectiveness JournalNodes and zookeepers can be co-hosted. Co-hosing comes with the prize of downtime of all services which are co-hosted.

Both zookeeper and JournalNodes are quorum based system. Co-hosting them with master nodes will give only 2 nodes, rest of the nodes should be hosted on separate machines.

Master Mentor

Zk should have access to dedicated disk but aside from that you can colocated them with master services. The minimum quorum requirement is 3 nodes. @Duminda Jayasuriya


In addition to putting them on Master Nodes co-located to other resources, the Zookeeper and Journal should be on JBODs... see diagram



Thanks understood.