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Knox Gateway Start fail
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Apache Knox
Created 12-23-2015 12:23 AM
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I re-start a one node cluster with Ambari. All service start sucessfully except Knox Gateway.
Oracle Linux 7
Apache Ambari Version 2.1.1
stderr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/KNOX/", line 267, in <module> KnoxGateway().execute() File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/libraries/script/script.py", line 218, in execute method(env) File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/KNOX/", line 146, in start self.configure(env) File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/KNOX/", line 63, in configure knox() File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari_commons/os_family_impl.py", line 89, in thunk return fn(*args, **kwargs) File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/KNOX/", line 125, in knox not_if=master_secret_exist, File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/base.py", line 154, in __init__ self.env.run() File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/environment.py", line 152, in run self.run_action(resource, action) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/environment.py", line 118, in run_action provider_action() File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/providers/system.py", line 258, in action_run tries=self.resource.tries, try_sleep=self.resource.try_sleep) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/shell.py", line 70, in inner result = function(command, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/shell.py", line 92, in checked_call tries=tries, try_sleep=try_sleep) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/shell.py", line 140, in _call_wrapper result = _call(command, **kwargs_copy) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/shell.py", line 291, in _call raise Fail(err_msg) resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Execution of '/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/bin/knoxcli.sh create-master --master [PROTECTED]' returned 1. Master secret is already present on disk. Please be aware that overwriting it will require updating other security artifacts. Use --force to overwrite the existing master secret. ERROR: Invalid Command Unrecognized option:create-master A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. stdout: 2015-12-22 18:46:33,793 - Directory['/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/tmp/AMBARI-artifacts/'] {'recursive': True} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,800 - File['/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/tmp/AMBARI-artifacts//jce_policy-8.zip'] {'content': DownloadSource('http://BODTEST02.bod.com.ve:8080/resources//jce_policy-8.zip')} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,801 - Not downloading the file from <a href="http://BODTEST02.bod.com.ve:8080/resources//jce_policy-8.zip">http://BODTEST02.bod.com.ve:8080/resources//jce_policy-8.zip</a>, because /var/lib/ambari-agent/data/tmp/jce_policy-8.zip already exists 2015-12-22 18:46:33,801 - Group['spark'] {'ignore_failures': False} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,801 - Group['hadoop'] {'ignore_failures': False} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,802 - Group['users'] {'ignore_failures': False} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,802 - Group['knox'] {'ignore_failures': False} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,802 - User['hive'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,803 - User['storm'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,803 - User['zookeeper'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,804 - User['oozie'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'users']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,810 - User['atlas'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,810 - User['ams'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,811 - User['falcon'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'users']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,811 - User['tez'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'users']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,812 - User['accumulo'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,812 - User['mahout'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,813 - User['spark'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,813 - User['ambari-qa'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'users']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,814 - User['flume'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,820 - User['kafka'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,821 - User['hdfs'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,821 - User['sqoop'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,822 - User['yarn'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,822 - User['mapred'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,823 - User['hbase'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,823 - User['knox'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,824 - User['hcat'] {'gid': 'hadoop', 'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,830 - File['/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/tmp/changeUid.sh'] {'content': StaticFile('changeToSecureUid.sh'), 'mode': 0555} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,831 - Execute['/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/tmp/changeUid.sh ambari-qa /tmp/hadoop-ambari-qa,/tmp/hsperfdata_ambari-qa,/home/ambari-qa,/tmp/ambari-qa,/tmp/sqoop-ambari-qa'] {'not_if': '(test $(id -u ambari-qa) -gt 1000) || (false)'} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,901 - Skipping Execute['/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/tmp/changeUid.sh ambari-qa /tmp/hadoop-ambari-qa,/tmp/hsperfdata_ambari-qa,/home/ambari-qa,/tmp/ambari-qa,/tmp/sqoop-ambari-qa'] due to not_if 2015-12-22 18:46:33,901 - Directory['/tmp/hbase-hbase'] {'owner': 'hbase', 'recursive': True, 'mode': 0775, 'cd_access': 'a'} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,902 - File['/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/tmp/changeUid.sh'] {'content': StaticFile('changeToSecureUid.sh'), 'mode': 0555} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,903 - Execute['/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/tmp/changeUid.sh hbase /home/hbase,/tmp/hbase,/usr/bin/hbase,/var/log/hbase,/tmp/hbase-hbase'] {'not_if': '(test $(id -u hbase) -gt 1000) || (false)'} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,913 - Skipping Execute['/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/tmp/changeUid.sh hbase /home/hbase,/tmp/hbase,/usr/bin/hbase,/var/log/hbase,/tmp/hbase-hbase'] due to not_if 2015-12-22 18:46:33,913 - Group['hdfs'] {'ignore_failures': False} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,913 - User['hdfs'] {'ignore_failures': False, 'groups': [u'hadoop', u'hdfs']} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,914 - Directory['/etc/hadoop'] {'mode': 0755} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,939 - File['/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf/hadoop-env.sh'] {'content': InlineTemplate(...), 'owner': 'hdfs', 'group': 'hadoop'} 2015-12-22 18:46:33,969 - Execute[('setenforce', '0')] {'not_if': '(! which getenforce ) || (which getenforce && getenforce | grep -q Disabled)', 'sudo': True, 'only_if': 'test -f /selinux/enforce'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,011 - Skipping Execute[('setenforce', '0')] due to not_if 2015-12-22 18:46:34,011 - Directory['/var/log/hadoop'] {'owner': 'root', 'mode': 0775, 'group': 'hadoop', 'recursive': True, 'cd_access': 'a'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,013 - Directory['/var/run/hadoop'] {'owner': 'root', 'group': 'root', 'recursive': True, 'cd_access': 'a'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,013 - Directory['/tmp/hadoop-hdfs'] {'owner': 'hdfs', 'recursive': True, 'cd_access': 'a'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,017 - File['/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf/commons-logging.properties'] {'content': Template('commons-logging.properties.j2'), 'owner': 'hdfs'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,026 - File['/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf/health_check'] {'content': Template('health_check.j2'), 'owner': 'hdfs'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,026 - File['/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf/log4j.properties'] {'content': ..., 'owner': 'hdfs', 'group': 'hadoop', 'mode': 0644} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,045 - File['/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf/hadoop-metrics2.properties'] {'content': Template('hadoop-metrics2.properties.j2'), 'owner': 'hdfs'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,045 - File['/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf/task-log4j.properties'] {'content': StaticFile('task-log4j.properties'), 'mode': 0755} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,046 - File['/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf/configuration.xsl'] {'owner': 'hdfs', 'group': 'hadoop'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,056 - File['/etc/hadoop/conf/topology_mappings.data'] {'owner': 'hdfs', 'content': Template('topology_mappings.data.j2'), 'only_if': 'test -d /etc/hadoop/conf', 'group': 'hadoop'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,075 - File['/etc/hadoop/conf/topology_script.py'] {'content': StaticFile('topology_script.py'), 'only_if': 'test -d /etc/hadoop/conf', 'mode': 0755} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,459 - Directory['/var/lib/knox/data'] {'owner': 'knox', 'group': 'knox', 'recursive': True} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,470 - Directory['/var/log/knox'] {'owner': 'knox', 'group': 'knox', 'recursive': True} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,470 - Directory['/var/run/knox'] {'owner': 'knox', 'group': 'knox', 'recursive': True} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,480 - Directory['/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf'] {'owner': 'knox', 'group': 'knox', 'recursive': True} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,488 - Directory['/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf/topologies'] {'owner': 'knox', 'group': 'knox', 'recursive': True} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,488 - XmlConfig['gateway-site.xml'] {'owner': 'knox', 'group': 'knox', 'conf_dir': '/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf', 'configuration_attributes': {}, 'configurations': ...} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,538 - Generating config: /usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf/gateway-site.xml 2015-12-22 18:46:34,538 - File['/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf/gateway-site.xml'] {'owner': 'knox', 'content': InlineTemplate(...), 'group': 'knox', 'mode': None, 'encoding': 'UTF-8'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,556 - Writing File['/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf/gateway-site.xml'] because contents don't match 2015-12-22 18:46:34,557 - File['/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf/gateway-log4j.properties'] {'content': ..., 'owner': 'knox', 'group': 'knox', 'mode': 0644} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,568 - File['/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf/topologies/default.xml'] {'content': InlineTemplate(...), 'owner': 'knox', 'group': 'knox'} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,568 - Execute[('chown', '-R', u'knox:knox', '/var/lib/knox/data', '/var/log/knox', u'/var/run/knox', '/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf', '/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/conf/topologies')] {'sudo': True} 2015-12-22 18:46:34,582 - Execute['/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/bin/knoxcli.sh create-master --master [PROTECTED]'] {'environment': {'JAVA_HOME': u'/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_40'}, 'not_if': "ambari-sudo.sh su knox -l -s /bin/bash -c 'test -f /var/lib/knox/data/security/master'", 'user': 'knox'}
Created 01-15-2016 03:48 PM
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Looking at the command that causes the error:
2016-01-15 15:37:00,440 - Execute['/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/bin/knoxcli.sh create-master --master [PROTECTED]'] {'environment': {'JAVA_HOME': u'/usr/jdk64/jdk1.7.0_67'}, 'not_if': "ambari-sudo.sh su knox -l -s /bin/bash -c 'test -f /var/lib/knox/data/security/master'", 'user': 'knox'}
Originates to /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/KNOX/
cmd = format('{knox_client_bin} create-master --master {knox_master_secret!p}') master_secret_exist = as_user(format('test -f {knox_master_secret_path}'), params.knox_user) Execute(cmd,user=params.knox_user,environment={'JAVA_HOME': params.java_home},not_if=master_secret_exist,)
{knox_master_secret_path} resolves to /var/lib/knox/data/security/master (as defined in /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/KNOX/ The problem is that the Knox master file does not exist on this location. The directory /var/lib/knox/data does exist, but the content is empty.
Instead, the master key is located here: /usr/hdp/current/knox-server/data/security/master
In the file /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/KNOX/, I also see something with removing/setting symbolic links:
# Used to setup symlink, needed to update the knox managed symlink, in case of custom locations if os.path.islink(params.knox_managed_pid_symlink) and os.path.realpath(params.knox_managed_pid_symlink) != params.knox_pid_dir: os.unlink(params.knox_managed_pid_symlink) os.symlink(params.knox_pid_dir, params.knox_managed_pid_symlink)
Perhaps something goes wrong with the symbolic links? (when you install HDP2.3 successfully, but try to restart all services immediately after the installation?)
In any case, the following modification resolved the issue for me.. I'm not sure if it covers everything (e.g. what will happen if you change the Knox master key via the Ambari web interface??), but I don't have any more time to be stuck on this issue 🙂
Open /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/KNOX/
knox_master_secret_path = '/var/lib/knox/data/security/master' knox_cert_store_path = '/var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores/gateway.jks'
knox_master_secret_path = '/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/data/security/master' knox_cert_store_path = '/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/data/security/keystores/gateway.jks'
Looking forward to a response from a Hortonworks employee..
Created 12-23-2015 02:00 AM
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Unrecognized option:create-master
Created 12-23-2015 02:19 PM
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Thanks Neeraj Sabharwal, but I don´t understand what you proposed. When I installed the cluster, everything was OK, including Knox. I stop all the services through Ambari, I restarted the server node, and start up all services, everything OK, except Knox.
@Kevin Minder
Created 12-23-2015 03:05 PM
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@JOSE GUILLEN Java was upgraded? See Kevin's comment
Created 12-23-2015 02:59 PM
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Unfortunately HDP 2.2 was not certified with jdk1.8 and Knox in particular has an issue with a keystore API change in jdk 1.8 that prevents it from starting. The only solution is to either upgrade HDP or downgrade the jdk.
Created 12-23-2015 08:05 PM
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Thanks @Kevin Minder, but I didn't install HDP 2.2, I have installed HDP- the latest versión available as I know. So if the problema persist in this version (2.3), according to you the only solution is downgrade the JDK.
Created 01-12-2016 01:55 PM
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I have the same problem or it at least sounds the same.
Had a HDP 2.3 cluster up and running with everything working fine. Then installed Ranger and Ranger KMS (via Actions->Add Service in Ambari 2.3 - so also standard Ranger and Ranger KMS version). Since then Knox is not coming up again and throwing this error:
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/shell.py", line 92, in checked_call tries=tries, try_sleep=try_sleep) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/shell.py", line 140, in _call_wrapper result = _call(command, **kwargs_copy) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/resource_management/core/shell.py", line 291, in _call raise Fail(err_msg) resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Execution of '/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/bin/knoxcli.sh create-master --master [PROTECTED]' returned 1. Master secret is already present on disk. Please be aware that overwriting it will require updating other security artifacts. Use --force to overwrite the existing master secret. ERROR: Invalid Command Unrecognized option:create-master A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
As per stack and versions info from Ambari Knox is at version
For Ranger and Ranger KMS I also used the standard version. Ranger and Ranger KMS work fine...
Can anyone help ?
Created 01-12-2016 10:03 PM
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Any chance you can capture/provide the gateway.log file content from the period of time during which this occurred?
Created 01-13-2016 12:25 PM
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Hi Kevin,
I just tried to restart Knox but error still comes up. The gateway.log from /var/log/knox attached. the change date is 8th jan though so seems no updates. 2016-01-08 15:21:37,588 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayConfigImpl.java:loadConfigResource(280)) - Loading configuration resource jar:file:/usr/hdp/!/conf/gateway-default.xml 2016-01-08 15:21:37,596 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayConfigImpl.java:loadConfigFile(268)) - Loading configuration file /usr/hdp/ 2016-01-08 15:21:37,614 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayConfigImpl.java:initGatewayHomeDir(212)) - Using /usr/hdp/ as GATEWAY_HOME via system property. 2016-01-08 15:21:38,104 INFO hadoop.gateway (JettySSLService.java:init(89)) - Credential store for the gateway instance found - no need to create one. 2016-01-08 15:21:38,105 INFO hadoop.gateway (JettySSLService.java:init(106)) - Keystore for the gateway instance found - no need to create one. 2016-01-08 15:21:38,107 INFO hadoop.gateway (JettySSLService.java:logAndValidateCertificate(128)) - The Gateway SSL certificate is issued to hostname: hadoop0.local. 2016-01-08 15:21:38,108 INFO hadoop.gateway (JettySSLService.java:logAndValidateCertificate(131)) - The Gateway SSL certificate is valid between: 1/8/16 3:21 PM and 1/7/17 3:21 PM. 2016-01-08 15:21:38,125 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayServer.java:startGateway(219)) - Starting gateway... 2016-01-08 15:21:38,340 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayServer.java:start(311)) - Loading topologies from directory: /usr/hdp/ 2016-01-08 15:21:38,429 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayServer.java:handleCreateDeployment(432)) - Deploying topology admin to /usr/hdp/ 2016-01-08 15:21:38,429 INFO hadoop.gateway (DeploymentFactory.java:createDeployment(85)) - Configured services directory is /usr/hdp/ 2016-01-08 15:21:38,667 INFO hadoop.gateway (DefaultGatewayServices.java:initializeContribution(176)) - Creating credential store for the cluster: admin 2016-01-08 15:21:40,209 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayServer.java:handleCreateDeployment(432)) - Deploying topology default to /usr/hdp/ 2016-01-08 15:21:40,209 INFO hadoop.gateway (DeploymentFactory.java:createDeployment(85)) - Configured services directory is /usr/hdp/ 2016-01-08 15:21:40,253 INFO hadoop.gateway (DefaultGatewayServices.java:initializeContribution(176)) - Creating credential store for the cluster: default 2016-01-08 15:21:41,199 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayServer.java:start(315)) - Monitoring topologies in directory: /usr/hdp/ 2016-01-08 15:21:41,200 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayServer.java:startGateway(232)) - Started gateway on port 8,443.
Created 01-13-2016 12:30 PM
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the knoxcli.log has a date as per the event occured with content as follows: 2016-01-13 13:22:41,083 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayConfigImpl.java:loadConfigResource(280)) - Loading configuration resource jar:file:/usr/hdp/!/conf/gateway-default.xml 2016-01-13 13:22:41,090 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayConfigImpl.java:loadConfigFile(268)) - Loading configuration file /usr/hdp/ 2016-01-13 13:22:41,114 INFO hadoop.gateway (GatewayConfigImpl.java:initGatewayHomeDir(212)) - Using /usr/hdp/ as GATEWAY_HOME via system property.