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Learning HDP and need help, cannot use the image properly!

New Contributor


I am unable to understand as I have just started with data engineering and saw a course using the HDP. I am not able to launch the image properly.

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I changed the custom16 TCP port, host, and guest, to 1024. Please help me!


New Contributor

Thanks for the reply, however I am delighted to say that I have solved the issue. I had to reinstall the image and change the custom port to a proper empty one. On some sites 111 appears to work, which is the default setting, but in my case it wasn't for custom16. I had to change it before running the image because changing it later has no effect!

Thanks @VidyaSargur for your prompt reply. Have a good one

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Community Manager

Hi @Shrek, Welcome to our community! To help you get the best possible answer, I have tagged our HDP @Kartik_Agarwal @nikhilm  experts who may be able to assist you further.

Please feel free to provide any additional information or details about your query, and we hope that you will find a satisfactory solution to your question.


Vidya Sargur,
Community Manager

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New Contributor

Thanks for the reply, however I am delighted to say that I have solved the issue. I had to reinstall the image and change the custom port to a proper empty one. On some sites 111 appears to work, which is the default setting, but in my case it wasn't for custom16. I had to change it before running the image because changing it later has no effect!

Thanks @VidyaSargur for your prompt reply. Have a good one