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ListFTP not taking into account french special characters in filename [Nifi 1.21.0]



I have upgraded nifi from 1.16.3 to 1.21.0

Now, the processors ListFTP, FetchFTP, PutFTP won't work with filenames that contains french accents like à é etc..

It worked like a charm on Nifi 1.16.3

Could you please help me on this topic ? I will happy to provide all the information that you need to debug the problem.


Thank you.








Master Mentor


As a workaround you could take the "nifi-standard-nar-1.16.3.nar" from the NiFi 1.16.3 distro and add it to your NiFi 1.21 install.  This will give you access to both version of all the standard nar components. The nifi-standard-nar does however contain a lot of components besides just listFTP.  You'll end up seeing two available versions of a lot of components with either 1.21.0 or 1.16.3 as the version when adding components to the canvas.

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Community Manager


@sinRudra Welcome to the Cloudera Community!

To help you get the best possible solution, I have tagged our NiFi experts @steven-matison  who may be able to assist you further.

Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.


Diana Torres,
Community Moderator

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I do not think that your problem is related to the name itself and/or the characters. Your error messages states clearly that you do not have the required permissions to extract the file. If there would have been an issue with the name, you would have received an error message stating that the file cannot be found in that location. Make sure that you have all the configurations done properly to be able to access that ftp location.


Hello @cotopaul 


Thanks for taking time to look at the issue.


I have tested with same ftp account on the nifi version 1.16.3 and 1.21.0. It works perfectly fine on 1.16.3.


FetchFtp gives the permission error because filename fetched from listftp contains characters (black question marks)


I can assure that the there is no problem concerning the permissions. with the Nifi 1.21.0, i fetched the files without special characters in the filename.



Master Mentor


I recommend reading through the comments, suggestions, and troubleshooting done within the following Apache NiFi Jira to see if you are encountering similar observations.

If so, it may be best to create a new Apache JIra for your specific character set issues to see what the committer community can do for you.

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Hello @MattWho 


Thanks for the jira link.

It seems that the following commit in the version nifi 1.17.0 have somehow broke the recognition of french characters : 


 to test it, i downloaded nifi 1.17.0 and ran the tests, got the following result


I will create a Apache Jira ticket.


In the interim, could you propose some alternative solutions? Perhaps a custom processor using the listftp code, but with modifications from version 1.17.0 removed? What are your thoughts?


Thank you for your help.



Master Mentor


As a workaround you could take the "nifi-standard-nar-1.16.3.nar" from the NiFi 1.16.3 distro and add it to your NiFi 1.21 install.  This will give you access to both version of all the standard nar components. The nifi-standard-nar does however contain a lot of components besides just listFTP.  You'll end up seeing two available versions of a lot of components with either 1.21.0 or 1.16.3 as the version when adding components to the canvas.

If you found that the provided solution(s) assisted you with your query, please take a moment to login and click Accept as Solution below each response that helped.

Thank you,



Hello @MattWho 


Thanks for the workaround. I tested and it worked.


Thank you very much.


A solution and a jira, excellent work gents!   


For information, jira ticket created.