Created ‎02-15-2016 03:48 AM
2016-02-14 22:40:05,909 - Using hadoop conf dir: /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf
2016-02-14 22:40:06,618 - Using hadoop conf dir: /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf 2016-02-14 22:40:06,760 - HdfsResource['/user/ambari-qa/mapredsmokeoutput'] {'security_enabled': True, 'hadoop_bin_dir': '/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin', 'keytab': '/etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab', 'default_fs': 'hdfs://HDPCA', 'hdfs_site': ..., 'kinit_path_local': '/usr/bin/kinit', 'principal_name': 'hdfs-HDPCA@EXAMPLE.COM', 'user': 'hdfs', 'action': ['delete_on_execute'], 'hadoop_conf_dir': '/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf', 'type': 'directory'} 2016-02-14 22:40:06,860 - Execute['/usr/bin/kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab hdfs-HDPCA@EXAMPLE.COM'] {'user': 'hdfs'} 2016-02-14 22:40:11,788 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl --negotiate -u : -s '"'"',name=FSNamesystem'"'"' 1>/tmp/tmpZmSrzL 2>/tmp/tmpxqBP9F''] {'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:15,601 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:15,603 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl --negotiate -u : -s '"'"',name=FSNamesystem'"'"' 1>/tmp/tmpWcmtSE 2>/tmp/tmp8ueZHF''] {'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:19,015 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:19,017 - NameNode HA states: active_namenodes = [(u'nn1', '')], standby_namenodes = [(u'nn2', '')], unknown_namenodes = [] 2016-02-14 22:40:19,018 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl --negotiate -u : -s '"'"',name=FSNamesystem'"'"' 1>/tmp/tmpEDIPa1 2>/tmp/tmp1Xt3Yx''] {'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:22,856 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:22,858 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl --negotiate -u : -s '"'"',name=FSNamesystem'"'"' 1>/tmp/tmpKQmmZw 2>/tmp/tmpJ6YFEL''] {'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:26,162 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:26,164 - NameNode HA states: active_namenodes = [(u'nn1', '')], standby_namenodes = [(u'nn2', '')], unknown_namenodes = [] 2016-02-14 22:40:26,167 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl -sS -L -w '"'"'%{http_code}'"'"' -X GET --negotiate -u : '"'"''"'"' 1>/tmp/tmpC3nS44 2>/tmp/tmpYhq8nH''] {'logoutput': None, 'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:29,885 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:30,159 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl -sS -L -w '"'"'%{http_code}'"'"' -X DELETE --negotiate -u : '"'"''"'"' 1>/tmp/tmpKxdOxa 2>/tmp/tmpNflsmo''] {'logoutput': None, 'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:34,695 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:34,697 - HdfsResource['/user/ambari-qa/mapredsmokeinput'] {'security_enabled': True, 'hadoop_bin_dir': '/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin', 'keytab': '/etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab', 'source': '/etc/passwd', 'default_fs': 'hdfs://HDPCA', 'hdfs_site': ..., 'kinit_path_local': '/usr/bin/kinit', 'principal_name': 'hdfs-HDPCA@EXAMPLE.COM', 'user': 'hdfs', 'action': ['create_on_execute'], 'hadoop_conf_dir': '/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf', 'type': 'file'} 2016-02-14 22:40:34,699 - Execute['/usr/bin/kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab hdfs-HDPCA@EXAMPLE.COM'] {'user': 'hdfs'} 2016-02-14 22:40:36,030 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl --negotiate -u : -s '"'"',name=FSNamesystem'"'"' 1>/tmp/tmpWi075d 2>/tmp/tmpfGORFu''] {'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:39,946 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:39,948 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl --negotiate -u : -s '"'"',name=FSNamesystem'"'"' 1>/tmp/tmpVeHNPf 2>/tmp/tmpXbZTBA''] {'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:41,300 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:41,302 - NameNode HA states: active_namenodes = [(u'nn1', '')], standby_namenodes = [(u'nn2', '')], unknown_namenodes = [] 2016-02-14 22:40:41,303 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl --negotiate -u : -s '"'"',name=FSNamesystem'"'"' 1>/tmp/tmp_2srqJ 2>/tmp/tmpaBMZT6''] {'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:41,588 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:41,591 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl --negotiate -u : -s '"'"',name=FSNamesystem'"'"' 1>/tmp/tmpzAgUPP 2>/tmp/tmp_JVFtg''] {'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:41,859 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:41,861 - NameNode HA states: active_namenodes = [(u'nn1', '')], standby_namenodes = [(u'nn2', '')], unknown_namenodes = [] 2016-02-14 22:40:41,867 - call[' su hdfs -l -s /bin/bash -c 'curl -sS -L -w '"'"'%{http_code}'"'"' -X GET --negotiate -u : '"'"''"'"' 1>/tmp/tmp1NN7xj 2>/tmp/tmpdtdIhc''] {'logoutput': None, 'quiet': False} 2016-02-14 22:40:42,493 - call returned (0, '') 2016-02-14 22:40:42,494 - DFS file /user/ambari-qa/mapredsmokeinput is identical to /etc/passwd, skipping the copying 2016-02-14 22:40:42,495 - HdfsResource[None] {'security_enabled': True, 'hadoop_bin_dir': '/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin', 'keytab': '/etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab', 'default_fs': 'hdfs://HDPCA', 'hdfs_site': ..., 'kinit_path_local': '/usr/bin/kinit', 'principal_name': 'hdfs-HDPCA@EXAMPLE.COM', 'user': 'hdfs', 'action': ['execute'], 'hadoop_conf_dir': '/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf'} 2016-02-14 22:40:42,495 - Execute['/usr/bin/kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/smokeuser.headless.keytab ambari-qa-HDPCA@EXAMPLE.COM;'] {'user': 'ambari-qa'} 2016-02-14 22:40:42,778 - ExecuteHadoop['jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.*.jar wordcount /user/ambari-qa/mapredsmokeinput /user/ambari-qa/mapredsmokeoutput'] {'bin_dir': '/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/lib/ambari-server/*:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/var/lib/ambari-agent:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-client/bin', 'conf_dir': '/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf', 'logoutput': True, 'try_sleep': 5, 'tries': 1, 'user': 'ambari-qa'} 2016-02-14 22:40:42,881 - Execute['hadoop --config /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.*.jar wordcount /user/ambari-qa/mapredsmokeinput /user/ambari-qa/mapredsmokeoutput'] {'logoutput': True, 'try_sleep': 5, 'environment': {}, 'tries': 1, 'user': 'ambari-qa', 'path': ['/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/lib/ambari-server/*:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/var/lib/ambari-agent:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-client/bin']} WARNING: Use "yarn jar" to launch YARN applications. 16/02/14 22:42:50 INFO impl.TimelineClientImpl: Timeline service address: 16/02/14 22:42:51 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at 16/02/14 22:42:53 INFO hdfs.DFSClient: Created HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN token 599 for ambari-qa on ha-hdfs:HDPCA 16/02/14 22:42:54 INFO security.TokenCache: Got dt for hdfs://HDPCA; Kind: HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN, Service: ha-hdfs:HDPCA, Ident: (HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN token 599 for ambari-qa) 16/02/14 22:42:54 WARN token.Token: Cannot find class for token kind kms-dt 16/02/14 22:42:54 INFO security.TokenCache: Got dt for hdfs://HDPCA; Kind: kms-dt, Service:, Ident: 00 0f 61 6d 62 61 72 69 2d 71 61 2d 48 44 50 43 41 02 72 6d 00 8a 01 52 e3 06 19 54 8a 01 53 07 12 9d 54 04 02 16/02/14 22:43:03 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1 16/02/14 22:43:06 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: number of splits:1 16/02/14 22:43:10 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Submitting tokens for job: job_1455503320604_0004 16/02/14 22:43:10 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Kind: HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN, Service: ha-hdfs:HDPCA, Ident: (HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN token 599 for ambari-qa) 16/02/14 22:43:10 WARN token.Token: Cannot find class for token kind kms-dt 16/02/14 22:43:10 WARN token.Token: Cannot find class for token kind kms-dt Kind: kms-dt, Service:, Ident: 00 0f 61 6d 62 61 72 69 2d 71 61 2d 48 44 50 43 41 02 72 6d 00 8a 01 52 e3 06 19 54 8a 01 53 07 12 9d 54 04 02 16/02/14 22:43:19 INFO impl.YarnClientImpl: Application submission is not finished, submitted application application_1455503320604_0004 is still in NEW 16/02/14 22:43:20 INFO impl.YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1455503320604_0004 16/02/14 22:43:21 INFO mapreduce.Job: The url to track the job: 16/02/14 22:43:21 INFO mapreduce.Job: Running job: job_1455503320604_0004
Created ‎02-22-2016 07:34 PM
I finally got the solution.
There are few failed MR jobs ate up the resource. After they been killed, the further job run smoothly.
Created ‎02-15-2016 03:53 AM
I don't anything in the logs.
yarn logs -applicationid application_1455503320604_0004
What do you see in the output?
Created ‎02-15-2016 05:02 PM
Created ‎02-15-2016 06:21 PM
@wei yang Are you exporting data from encrypted zone?
yarn log -applicationid application_1455551404320_0001
Created ‎02-15-2016 07:37 PM
No, I was exporting data from secured hdfs to mysql, the cluster has namenode HA enabled.
The job was killed by me. PLS check the attached log.
Created ‎02-15-2016 07:40 PM
@wei yang I wonder if we lost the connectivity to --connect jdbc:mysql://
Why did you kill the application? Is it because of following?
16/02/15 11:27:41 INFO mapreduce.Job: Task Id : attempt_1455551404320_0001_m_000002_0, Status : FAILED AttemptID:attempt_1455551404320_0001_m_000002_0 Timed out after 300 secs
Created ‎02-15-2016 08:06 PM
I re-run the job this morning, it's failed and terminated by itself. here is the full log:
Thank you !
Created ‎02-15-2016 09:50 PM
@wei yang Do you have access to support? In the meatime, whats the value of mapreduce.task.timeout?
Created ‎02-16-2016 01:14 AM
It's my test env, I don't have support access, mapreduce.task.timeout=300000
Created ‎02-15-2016 04:15 AM
It is HDP-