Created 09-16-2016 06:47 AM
I am running with below configurations to install Metron Quick-dev-platform:
Managed machine OS - Redhat 7
# ansible --version
# python2.7 -V
Python 2.7.12
Somehow the task - [pycapa : Install dependencies] keeps failing because of timeouts while downloading libgcj-4.4.7-17.el6.x86_64.rpm package. The network connectivity seems to be just fine, according to our network admin.
I want to know if I can comment out the content in: "/metron-deployment/roles/pycapa/tasks/pycapa.yml" so that I can skip pycapa setup completely and Metron would still get installed without any hiccups. Or is it okay to ssh node1 and install this package alone and continue with rest of installation/deployment? Whatever works 🙂
Created 10-03-2016 09:49 AM
I found the following to be working fine. I tried with a quick dev deployment and it went through fine. Please check if you are able to get similar results in your case.
1) To deploy without pycapa role
- Edit and add 'pycapa' to the skip tags
(testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ pwd ~/Metron/incubator-metron-fork/incubator-metron/metron-deployment/vagrant/quick-dev-platform (testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ tail -5 vagrant \ --ansible-tags="hdp-deploy,metron" \ --ansible-skip-tags="solr,yaf,pycapa" \ up
2) Verify /opt/pycapa is absent in the vagrant node
(testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ vagrant ssh Last login: Mon Oct 3 09:14:30 2016 from [vagrant@node1 ~]$ ls /opt/pycapa ls: cannot access /opt/pycapa: No such file or directory
3) Next deploy 'pycapa' role alone using the vagrant command:
(testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ vagrant --ansible-tags="pycapa" provision Running with ansible-tags: ["pycapa"] ==> node1: Running provisioner: ansible... node1: Running ansible-playbook... <snip>
4) Now see that the pycapa installables are created under /opt
(testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ vagrant ssh [vagrant@node1 ~]$ ls /opt/pycapa/pycapa* /opt/pycapa/pycapa: build dist LICENSE pycapa pycapa.egg-info requirements.txt VERSION /opt/pycapa/pycapa-venv: bin include lib lib64 pip-selfcheck.json share tests
Let me know if this works.
Created 09-16-2016 07:15 AM
If you want to skip the pycapa role installation , you can edit the file at /metron-deployment/vagrant/quick-dev-platform/ and add "pycapa" to the list of "--ansible-skip-tags".
Your edited file should look like below :-
vagrant \ --ansible-tags="hdp-deploy,metron" \ --ansible-skip-tags="solr,pycapa" \ up
Run the quick-dev-deployment after making the mentioned changes.
Please let me know if this serves your purpose.
Created 09-16-2016 07:38 AM
Thanks! I don't have sufficient knowledge of Ansible, so pls bare with me.
Can you also let me know if, at a later point, I need to add pycapa, what procedure is to be followed?
In general, how to run skipped ansible tags at a later point in time?
Created 09-16-2016 09:53 AM
you can try out the following to deploy pycapa later :-
ansible-playbook -i inventory/full-dev-platform --tags=“pycapa” playbooks/metron_full_install -vvv
Note:- you can use the above command to run the skipped ansible tags.Just make sure to provide the tags comma separated to the --tags parameter.
Hope this helps.
Created 09-30-2016 07:39 AM
Thanks for the help, Neha! I was able to set up Metron without pycapa. But now when I try to set up pycapa, I face issues.
I ran the command:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/full-dev-platform --tags=“pycapa” playbooks/metron_full_install.yml -vvv
and encountered this:
Loaded callback default of type stdout, v2.0
21 plays in playbooks/metron_full_install.yml
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
<node1> SSH: EXEC ssh -C -vvv -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o ControlPath=/root/.ansible/cp/%h-%p-%r -tt node1 '( umask 22 && mkdir -p "$( echo $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1475220609.2-93846986252640 )" && echo "$( echo $HOME/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1475220609.2-93846986252640 )" )'
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
node1 : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0
Looks like it caused unreachable host error because of User: None. Can you have a look?
Created 10-03-2016 09:49 AM
I found the following to be working fine. I tried with a quick dev deployment and it went through fine. Please check if you are able to get similar results in your case.
1) To deploy without pycapa role
- Edit and add 'pycapa' to the skip tags
(testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ pwd ~/Metron/incubator-metron-fork/incubator-metron/metron-deployment/vagrant/quick-dev-platform (testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ tail -5 vagrant \ --ansible-tags="hdp-deploy,metron" \ --ansible-skip-tags="solr,yaf,pycapa" \ up
2) Verify /opt/pycapa is absent in the vagrant node
(testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ vagrant ssh Last login: Mon Oct 3 09:14:30 2016 from [vagrant@node1 ~]$ ls /opt/pycapa ls: cannot access /opt/pycapa: No such file or directory
3) Next deploy 'pycapa' role alone using the vagrant command:
(testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ vagrant --ansible-tags="pycapa" provision Running with ansible-tags: ["pycapa"] ==> node1: Running provisioner: ansible... node1: Running ansible-playbook... <snip>
4) Now see that the pycapa installables are created under /opt
(testmetron) ➜ quick-dev-platform git:(master) ✗ vagrant ssh [vagrant@node1 ~]$ ls /opt/pycapa/pycapa* /opt/pycapa/pycapa: build dist LICENSE pycapa pycapa.egg-info requirements.txt VERSION /opt/pycapa/pycapa-venv: bin include lib lib64 pip-selfcheck.json share tests
Let me know if this works.