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NIFI - Validate vame of file


Hello, is possible validate the name of the file to tingest in HDFS? I mean, i need validate the name of the file is correct and the size is > 0, it's possible?



Master Guru
@Pepelu Rico

Yes we can validate the name of the file and size of file before ingesting into HDFS by using RouteOnAttribute processor.

in NiFi we are having attributes to the flowfile as

1.${filename} //gets the filename of the flowfile
2.${fileSize} //gets the size in bytes of the flowfile

In RouteOnAttribute processor add new property as



In the above expression we are using NiFi expression language and checking the filename value equlas(expression language function) to <required_file_name> and checking fileSize value is greater than 0, Then only the flowfiles will be tranferred into valid_files relation.

Feed only the valid_files relation to PutHDFS processor, By using this relation we are storing only the files that satisfies the condition will be stored into HDFS.


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Master Guru
@Pepelu Rico

Yes we can validate the name of the file and size of file before ingesting into HDFS by using RouteOnAttribute processor.

in NiFi we are having attributes to the flowfile as

1.${filename} //gets the filename of the flowfile
2.${fileSize} //gets the size in bytes of the flowfile

In RouteOnAttribute processor add new property as



In the above expression we are using NiFi expression language and checking the filename value equlas(expression language function) to <required_file_name> and checking fileSize value is greater than 0, Then only the flowfiles will be tranferred into valid_files relation.

Feed only the valid_files relation to PutHDFS processor, By using this relation we are storing only the files that satisfies the condition will be stored into HDFS.


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