I want to migrate data from MsSQL Server to Oracle Database. I added ConnectionPools for both of. I am trying to export data andimport data ,but i cant. Which processor i need to use and how ? I tried to fecth data with ExecuteSQL but it is fetching as Avro. Than i wanted to convert it to json but i didn't. Because i cant configure the ConvertRecord processor.
Created 06-17-2024 06:57 AM
Welcome to the community @omeraran. I've moved your question in hopes of you finding the answer you are looking for.
Created 06-18-2024 11:48 AM
You can use the executeSql processor to read the data and if you put the putdatabaserecord processor to insert the data into oracle database. you don't need to convert the records, just define the input processor as avro reader.
Created 06-18-2024 01:24 PM
If your source is continuously being written to you might consider using the GenerateTableFetch processor --> ExecuteSQLRecord processor (configured to use JsonRecordSetWriter) --> PutDatabaseRecord processor. Working with multi-record FlowFiles by utilizing the record based processor is going to be a more efficient and performant dataflow.
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