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NiFi ExecuteStreamCommand Processor Create Process error = 5, Access Denied




I am currently trying to count the number of files in the directory. The command that I keyed to count in the windows command prompt is "dir /a:-d /s /b "D:\Testing\UploadFile" | find /c ":""

I am trying to use NiFi to apply the above command using the ExecuteStreamCommand processor. Currently I am facing the "Access Denied error" as shown in the picture.


Execute Stream Command Processor Error

Execute Stream Command Processor Properties


Appreciate if anyone could help with an example and explanation. Thanks.

Note: the fileslocation set in the properties is the path to the file.


Master Collaborator

Same Command Arguments are you able to run as user nifi (or the user who is responsible to run nifi service )against  path which is determine by fileslocation outside of nifi at command prompt ?