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NiFi connected via WebUI but without communication with CM


In the development cluster, the NiFi nodes do not show data or connection to Cloudera Manager, but if I access them via WebUI, the nodes appear properly connected and functional. Attached are NiFi logs and screen prints as evidence Previously I was instructed to review the Ranger policies as described in the Cloudera documentation, but the problem persisted, attached are the current Ranger settings. I also found the following error curious: Cookie rejected [hadoop.auth=""u=nifi&p=nifi/v321d186.prevnet@DEVDATALAKE.CDPDTP&t=kerberos&e=1721689709429&s=qJPbU6hDNqLtkL1BokMp...", version:0, domain:v321d175.prevnet, path:/solr/ranger_audits_shard1_replica_n1, expiry:null] Domain attribute "v321d175.prevnet" violates the Netscape cookie specification However, in the prod cluster the same error appears in the logs and I don't have this problemStatus-NiFiNodes-CDP-Dev-17072024-10h32m (2).PNGStatus-NiFi-Cluster-Dev-17072024-10h32m (2).PNG


Master Collaborator

If I understand correctly,  Service NiFi works fine but from the Cloudera Manager things do not look promising this has to do with how CM monitors the NiFI service 

I would start to at the logs directory under the NiFi processor directory on each host where niFi is running and look for file connectionMetricOutput.log 


On each Node where NiFi service is running, CM agent invokes nifi cli command get-nodes to get the health status of each node.

bin/ nifi get-nodes

If you find get-nodes command is not completing, you may want to further file a support case with us to look in detail. 

I hope this helps.

Thank you 


Hi @ckumar ,

I couldn't find the command, would it be in the parcels path as shown in the attached printout?


nifi command.png