Created 09-18-2018 05:54 AM
Hello everybody,
I'm using Routetext processor to separate JSON records to different flow.Ultimately I need Flow1 should be inserted into HBASE table first , Flow 2 should be executed second and so on.How I can achieve this.
Basically Inserts should insert data to HBase first,Updates should happen next and Delete should happen last .
Attached the Sample test.xml
Created 09-18-2018 12:54 PM
Created 09-18-2018 12:54 PM
Created 09-18-2018 07:40 PM
@Shu Is it possible to add two RowIdentifier/RowIdentifier Field name in PutHbaseJson , Like ServerName,ServerNo or ${ServerName},${ServerNo} .
Created 09-18-2018 09:09 PM
Yes you can use it..
PutHBaseJson processor:-
1. expects json individual messages(not an array)
2. You need to extract the values for ServerName,ServerNo from the content using EvaluateJsonPath processor then use
Row Identifier
PutHBaseRecord processor:
Using Record processor we don't need to split the array of json messages if you are using this processor but we need to prepare the row_id by using Update Record processor by using concat(/ServerName,',',/ServerNo) function.
Refer to this link for more details regards to UpdateRecord processor concat function usage.