Created 03-02-2017 05:47 PM
I am installing latest Cloudera Express Edition on Azure using Ubuntu trusty 14.04 LTS. i am getting this error.
/etc/hosts is having public IPs defined in it. The dig command is able to forward lookup, the revese lookup is not working properly. All the ports are open in Azure portal. I kills the 9001 everytime i re-try the installation. The SCM agent is waiting for heartbeat.
This is frustrating. I have followed and crosschecked various links in this forum. Nothing is working. Kindly suggest how to resolve this.
Created 03-03-2017 01:54 AM
I have resolved this by keeping /etc/hosts with only localhost entries
a) updating listening host and Ip in config.ini of all nodes
it worked
Created 03-02-2017 06:54 PM
Created 03-03-2017 01:54 AM
I have resolved this by keeping /etc/hosts with only localhost entries
a) updating listening host and Ip in config.ini of all nodes
it worked
Created 04-25-2017 12:16 PM
Created 04-25-2017 12:23 PM
Created 06-03-2018 10:29 PM
Hi Could you share your file (mask it if required) how you have added the entries to the config.ini file please
Created 06-03-2018 10:35 PM
Can you share your config.ini how you added multiple entries there..... please......