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ORC Stripe size

Expert Contributor

I have orc.stripe.size=67108864

What size of stripe would be for small orc file (for example 2 Mb, 350K records)?

I thought that in this case file contains 1 stripe with size 2Mb. However in orcfiledump I see 426 stripes! Why?


Master Guru

That is very curious I have seen lots of stripes being created because of memory problems. But normally he only gets down to 5000 rows and then out of memory.

Which version of Hive are you using? What are your memory settings for the hive tasks and if the file is small is it possible that the table is partitioned and the task is writing into a large number of partitions at the same time?

Can you share the LOAD command and the table layout?

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

Expert Contributor

@ Neeraj Sabharwal

Thanks for the help. But I still don't understand((

My orc file has all default settings including orc.stripe.size=67108864, orc.compress=ZLIB

HDFS block = 128Mb

Why orc file with size 2Mb has 426 stripes?

Rising Star

Can you please provide the output begining output of 'hive --orcfiledump $pathtoOrcFile'

Expert Contributor

@Joseph Niemiec Here is output of orcfiledump

Structure for /apps/hive/warehouse/xxxx/000006_0
File Version: 0.12 with HIVE_8732
Rows: 357239
Compression: ZLIB
Compression size: 262144
Type: struct<_col0:string,_col1:string,_col2:string>
Stripe Statistics:
  Stripe 1:
    Column 0: count: 2176
    Column 1: count: 2176 min: 005056BF6CA51ED5A0FA3CF37E9803E0 max: 3640B59A1A7F1ED3AFCA4A98D9929B1F sum: 69632
    Column 2: count: 2176 min: 0000001287 max: 0800133136 sum: 21760
    Column 3: count: 2176 min: ., A013 max: TG_TRIG_APPLE_OCT2015_W1 sum: 15320
  Stripe 2:
    Column 0: count: 687
    Column 1: count: 687 min: 3640B59A1A7F1ED3AFCA42E0BAE75B19 max: 3640B59A1A7F1ED3AFCA4A98D9929B1F sum: 21984
    Column 2: count: 687 min: 0800134310 max: 0800303673 sum: 6870
    Column 3: count: 687 min: ., A013 max: ., A691 sum: 4809
  Stripe 3:
    Column 0: count: 288
    Column 1: count: 288 min: 3640B59A1A7F1ED3AFCA42E0BAE75B19 max: 3640B59A1A7F1ED3AFCA4A98D9929B1F sum: 9216
    Column 2: count: 288 min: 0800304109 max: 0800372594 sum: 2880
    Column 3: count: 288 min: ., A013 max: ., A691 sum: 2016

Stripe 426:
    Column 0: count: 46106
    Column 1: count: 46106 min: 005056BF6CA51ED5A0FA3CF37E97C3E0 max: 3640B59A1A7F1ED3AFCA4A98D9929B1F sum: 1475392
    Column 2: count: 46106 min: 0839185621 max: 0839464656 sum: 461060
    Column 3: count: 46106 min: ., A013 max: TG_TRIG_APPLE_OCT2015_W1 sum: 323199

File Statistics:
  Column 0: count: 357239
  Column 1: count: 357239 min: 005056BF6CA51ED5A0FA3CF37E97C3E0 max: 3640B59A1A7F1ED3AFCA4A98D9929B1F sum: 11431648
  Column 2: count: 357239 min: 0000001287 max: 0839464656 sum: 3572390
  Column 3: count: 357239 min: ., A013 max: TG_TRIG_APPLE_OCT2015_W2 sum: 2502199

  Stripe: offset: 3 data: 15609 rows: 2176 tail: 105 index: 196
    Stream: column 0 section ROW_INDEX start: 3 length 10
    Stream: column 1 section ROW_INDEX start: 13 length 87
    Stream: column 2 section ROW_INDEX start: 100 length 43
    Stream: column 3 section ROW_INDEX start: 143 length 56
    Stream: column 1 section DATA start: 199 length 3075
    Stream: column 1 section LENGTH start: 3274 length 7
    Stream: column 1 section DICTIONARY_DATA start: 3281 length 1381
    Stream: column 2 section DATA start: 4662 length 7276
    Stream: column 2 section LENGTH start: 11938 length 26
    Stream: column 3 section DATA start: 11964 length 3063
    Stream: column 3 section LENGTH start: 15027 length 11
    Stream: column 3 section DICTIONARY_DATA start: 15038 length 770
    Encoding column 0: DIRECT
    Encoding column 1: DICTIONARY_V2[351]
    Encoding column 2: DIRECT_V2
    Encoding column 3: DICTIONARY_V2[351]
Stripe: offset: 2486960 data: 253432 rows: 46106 tail: 113 index: 427
    Stream: column 0 section ROW_INDEX start: 2486960 length 17
    Stream: column 1 section ROW_INDEX start: 2486977 length 141
    Stream: column 2 section ROW_INDEX start: 2487118 length 159
    Stream: column 3 section ROW_INDEX start: 2487277 length 110
    Stream: column 1 section DATA start: 2487387 length 59834
    Stream: column 1 section LENGTH start: 2547221 length 7
    Stream: column 1 section DICTIONARY_DATA start: 2547228 length 1374
    Stream: column 2 section DATA start: 2548602 length 131452
    Stream: column 2 section LENGTH start: 2680054 length 131
    Stream: column 3 section DATA start: 2680185 length 59841
    Stream: column 3 section LENGTH start: 2740026 length 11
    Stream: column 3 section DICTIONARY_DATA start: 2740037 length 782
    Encoding column 0: DIRECT
    Encoding column 1: DICTIONARY_V2[355]
    Encoding column 2: DIRECT_V2
    Encoding column 3: DICTIONARY_V2[355]

File length: 2761506 bytes
Padding length: 0 bytes
Padding ratio: 0%

Master Guru

That is very curious I have seen lots of stripes being created because of memory problems. But normally he only gets down to 5000 rows and then out of memory.

Which version of Hive are you using? What are your memory settings for the hive tasks and if the file is small is it possible that the table is partitioned and the task is writing into a large number of partitions at the same time?

Can you share the LOAD command and the table layout?

Expert Contributor

@Benjamin Leonhardi

Hive 0.14


The table is dailly partitioned. Folder with parition contains one file. Average size of orc file is 30 Mb. Some files contain 400 stipes, some 15 stripes.

SAP Data Services loads data to my table by hiveql file:

CREATE TABLE bods.mytable_sapds_4b87 (
tggrp_id string,
bpartner string,
tggrp_txt string) 
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/hdfs/gate/xxx/hiveLoad*.dat' INTO TABLE bods.mytable_sapds_4b87;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
USE bods;
FROM bods.mytable_sapds_4b87 INSERT INTO TABLE bods.my_orc_table PARTITION(calday) SELECT tggrp_id, bpartner, tggrp_txt, calday;
DROP TABLE bods.mytable_sapds_4b87;
create table my_orc_table
(tggrp_id string,
bpartner string,
tggrp_txt string

Master Guru

Apart from missing an m which I don't think will be the problem;

How many days are you loading? You essentially do a dynamic partitioning so the task needs to keep memory for every day you load into. If you have a lot of days this might be the reason:

Possible solutions:

a) Try to load one day and see if that makes it better.

b) use dynamic sorted partitioning, ( slide 16) this theoretically should fix the problem if this is the reason

c) use manual distribution ( slide 19 )

Expert Contributor

@Benjamin Leonhardi

Thanks a lot for the slides! It's very useful.

I load data one day, this daily process.

What I tried:

1) Increased tez container size and orc.memory.pool as on slide 12

2) Increased (instead of -Xmx4096m)

3) set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true

4) used global sorting (order by)

All attempts except 4 yielded nothing. I got the desired results only with 4) - order by - 1 stripe for small files and strong reduction in the number of stripes for large files. Also the size of large files significantly reduced and speed queries increased. I am happy with the results 🙂


Master Guru

Hmmmm weird, the order shouldn't really make a difference. I assume he added a reducer doing that. Only explanation I have. Adding a distribute by would most likely also have helped. But sort is good for predicate pushdown and so as long as all is good ... 🙂