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Re-install a recently uninstalled Hosts fail - unclean remove?


I recently uninstalled a host because I installed the wrong CDH version (5.1.2). I was suppose to install CDH 5.0.3 on the host to match the cluster. I performed a manual yum remove install on the different packages based on this documentation:

Now I try to reinstall the host via Cloudera Manager and then I run into the error below. I think the uninstall was not clean. Anybody have any tips on how to resolve this? Thanks in advance.
Installing hadoop-httpfs package...
BEGIN sudo yum list installed hadoop-httpfs 
Loaded plugins: product-id, security, subscription-manager 
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register. 
Error: No matching Packages to list 
END (1) 
BEGIN sudo yum info hadoop-httpfs 
Loaded plugins: product-id, security, subscription-manager 
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register. 
Available Packages 
Name : hadoop-httpfs 
Arch : x86_64 
Version : 2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597 
Release : 1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6 
Size : 21 M 
Repo : cloudera-cdh5 
Summary : HTTPFS for Hadoop 
URL : 
License : Apache License v2.0 
Description : The server providing HTTP REST API support for the complete 
: FileSystem/FileContext interface in HDFS. 

END (0) 
BEGIN sudo yum -y install hadoop-httpfs 
Loaded plugins: product-id, security, subscription-manager 
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register. 
Setting up Install Process 
Resolving Dependencies 
--> Running transaction check 
---> Package hadoop-httpfs.x86_64 0:2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6 will be installed 
--> Processing Dependency: hadoop = 2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6 for package: hadoop-httpfs-2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6.x86_64 
--> Processing Dependency: hadoop-hdfs = 2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6 for package: hadoop-httpfs-2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6.x86_64 
--> Finished Dependency Resolution 
Error: Package: hadoop-httpfs-2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6.x86_64 (cloudera-cdh5) 
Requires: hadoop = 2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6 
Installed: hadoop-2.3.0+cdh5.1.2+816-1.cdh5.1.2.p0.3.el6.x86_64 (@cloudera-cdh5) 
hadoop = 2.3.0+cdh5.1.2+816-1.cdh5.1.2.p0.3.el6 
Available: hadoop-2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6.x86_64 (cloudera-cdh5) 
hadoop = 2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6 
Error: Package: hadoop-httpfs-2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6.x86_64 (cloudera-cdh5) 
Requires: hadoop-hdfs = 2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6 
Installed: hadoop-hdfs-2.3.0+cdh5.1.2+816-1.cdh5.1.2.p0.3.el6.x86_64 (@cloudera-cdh5) 
hadoop-hdfs = 2.3.0+cdh5.1.2+816-1.cdh5.1.2.p0.3.el6 
Available: hadoop-hdfs-2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6.x86_64 (cloudera-cdh5) 
hadoop-hdfs = 2.3.0+cdh5.0.3+597-1.cdh5.0.3.p0.30.el6 
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem 
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest 
END (1) 
remote package hadoop-httpfs could not be installed, giving up 
waiting for rollback request 


Thanks for the reply.


I tried the steps you suggested, but the problem still remains.


I've solved this solution by trying the following steps provided by JohnKelly of CDH Google Group combined with the CDH uninstall guide:


1. Follow this instruction:


2. I ran the following command (credits to JohnKelly):


rpm -e --allmatches $(rpm -qa | grep -e^hadoop -e^cloudera -e^hue -e^oozie -e^hbase -e^impala -e^flume -e^hive)

yum clean all

rm -Rf /usr/share/cmf /var/lib/cloudera* /var/cache/yum/cloudera*

sudo rm -Rf /usr/share/cmf /var/lib/cloudera* /var/cache/yum/cloudera*

rm /tmp/.scm_prepare_node.lock


After that everything was good.

View solution in original post


> Installed: hadoop-2.3.0+cdh5.1.2+816-1.cdh5.1.2.p0.3.el6.x86_64
> Installed: hadoop-hdfs-2.3.0+cdh5.1.2+816-1.cdh5.1.2.p0.3.el6.x86_64

​remove those two packages first, then ensure your CDH5 repo points to
5.0.3, not 5 (which will be the latest in 5.x)

# yum remove hadoop hadoop-hdfs
# yum clean all
# yum makecache
# yum list | grep cdh5.1.2 (should not list anything)

Gautam Gopalakrishnan


Thanks for the reply.


I tried the steps you suggested, but the problem still remains.


I've solved this solution by trying the following steps provided by JohnKelly of CDH Google Group combined with the CDH uninstall guide:


1. Follow this instruction:


2. I ran the following command (credits to JohnKelly):


rpm -e --allmatches $(rpm -qa | grep -e^hadoop -e^cloudera -e^hue -e^oozie -e^hbase -e^impala -e^flume -e^hive)

yum clean all

rm -Rf /usr/share/cmf /var/lib/cloudera* /var/cache/yum/cloudera*

sudo rm -Rf /usr/share/cmf /var/lib/cloudera* /var/cache/yum/cloudera*

rm /tmp/.scm_prepare_node.lock


After that everything was good.

Thank you for the feedback.

Gautam Gopalakrishnan