Created 12-19-2016 08:18 AM
I just setup Hortonworks Data Platform2.3.4 on Windows 2012 R2 server and was trying -ls command from Hadoop Command Line but it says "Permission denied: user=ritjain, access=READ_EXECUTE, inode="/user":hadoop:hdfs:drwx...". I understand about permission but not sure how to resolve the issue. Also When I started "Hadoop Name Node Status", browser does not show anything. Kindly suggest..
Created 12-21-2016 11:28 AM
Try following the below steps for windows machine. If helped, please vote/accept answer
1. Switch to a command prompt as the hadoop user For example:
>runas /user:hadoop cmd
2. Navigate to the the hadoop directory. For example:
>cd C:\hdp\hadoop-\bin
3. From the hadoop directory, create a ritjain user. For example:
>hadoop dfs -mkdir /user/ritjain
4. Change ownership to the ritjain user and add the user to hdfs group.
>hadoop dfs chown -R ritjain:hdfs /user/ritjain
Created 12-22-2016 11:47 AM
@Ritesh jain Yes, the -chown would add the user ritjain to hdfs group.
If the above suggestion helped you in resolving the issue, kindly vote the suggestion to close this loop.
Created 12-23-2016 05:26 AM
Can't vote - getting message - 😞
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