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Renaming NameNode HA logical Name "dfs.nameservices" in an existing cluster

Expert Contributor

Is it supported to modify an existing cluster's NameNode logical name (dfs.nameservices) in an HA configuration ?

I was able to get dfs.nameservices renamed using the following steps, but I want to confirm if this could have some issues that I'm unaware of at this time. The steps involved re-creating the NN HA znode, re-initializing the shared edits for the journal node and performing the bootstrap again for the standby NameNode:

(run the commands as hdfs user)

1) Turn on safemode $ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode enter Safe mode is ON in rm-hdp23n1.novalocal/ Safe mode is ON in rm-hdp23n3.novalocal/

2) Perform namenode checkpointing:

$ hdfs dfsadmin -saveNamespace Save namespace successful for rm-hdp23n1.novalocal/ Save namespace successful for rm-hdp23n3.novalocal/

3) From Ambari stop all HDFS services.

4) Make the appropriate changes with the properties.

Update "fs.defaultFS" in core-file.xml, And then all the properties in hdfs-site.xml that are related to the HA servicename be modified. For instance, in my cluster I changed the following properties or their values:

"dfs.client.failover.proxy.provider.cluster456" : "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider",

"dfs.ha.namenodes.cluster456" : "nn1,nn2",

"dfs.namenode.http-address.cluster456.nn1" : "rm-hdp23n1.novalocal:50070",

"dfs.namenode.http-address.cluster456.nn2" : "rm-hdp23n3.novalocal:50070",

"dfs.namenode.https-address.cluster456.nn1" : "rm-hdp23n1.novalocal:50470",

"dfs.namenode.https-address.cluster456.nn2" : "rm-hdp23n3.novalocal:50470",

"dfs.namenode.rpc-address.cluster456.nn1" : "rm-hdp23n1.novalocal:8020",

"dfs.namenode.rpc-address.cluster456.nn2" : "rm-hdp23n3.novalocal:8020",

"dfs.namenode.shared.edits.dir" : "qjournal://rm-hdp23n2.novalocal:8485;rm-hdp23n3.novalocal:8485;rm-hdp23n1.novalocal:8485/cluster456",

"dfs.nameservices" : "cluster456",

5) And then start only the journal nodes (With ZKFC and both NameNodes still in Stopped state) and re-initialize shared edits:

$ hdfs namenode -initializeSharedEdits -force

6) initialize zk node for NN HA: hdfs zkfc -formatZK -force

7) And then start the NameNodes and zkfc on both the nodes.


@rmaruthiyodan the steps look fine to me. I actually had to do this myself recently (see this article I didn't encounter any issues after changing the logical name. Just make sure you also update the Hive Metastore and I think if you use HBase there are some additional changes necessary.

View solution in original post


@rmaruthiyodan the steps look fine to me. I actually had to do this myself recently (see this article I didn't encounter any issues after changing the logical name. Just make sure you also update the Hive Metastore and I think if you use HBase there are some additional changes necessary.

Master Guru

@rmaruthiyodan, @Jonas Straub

Agreed! We might need to run hive metatool to update existing nameservice URI.