Created 03-01-2017 02:05 PM
I am learning sqoop using the sandbox and blocked on the first step concerning connection to the database server.
I ssh the VM with git bash
I have tested 2 cases : mysql and hive
For the first case , I type the command "mysql -u root" and it returns "access denied" as you can see on the picture in the red rectangle
For the second case, I tried to connect to Hive server - database "default". I used the jdbc url i have seen on ambari /Hive service as you can see on picture ambariHive
Does anyone can help me troubleshooting this problem?
Created 03-01-2017 05:26 PM
In Sandbox the default mysql password will be "hadoop" So please try this:
# mysql -u root -p Enter password: hadoop
Then once you are inside the mysql prompt you can run the following kind of queries:
mysql> use mysql mysql> show tables; mysql> select * from help_keyword;
. Then from Sqoop try the following:
# sqoop list-databases --connect "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306" --username root --password hadoop
Created 03-01-2017 02:17 PM
There are two issues in your attached screen shots:
1. "access denied" you should use the "-p" option while connecting to mysql as following:
mysql -u root -p
If it still does not work then Try the following: Reset the root password:
mysqladmin -u root password newPassword
Then try to connect to mysql as following:
mysql -u root -p
2. Regarding the Sqoop connection string, I see that there are extra "//" sybmol in the connection string.
Should be following i guess:
- You might want to try the SQOOP command as following:
sqoop list-databases --connect "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306" --username root --password newPassword OR sqoop list-tables --connect "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testDB" --username root --password ewPassword
Created 03-01-2017 04:06 PM
Hi @Jay . Thanks for your response. You are right concerning hive so i remove the extra "//" as you see on the pic but I face a problem of "parsing arguments"
Concerning the command "msql -u root -p, i always face the problem of access denied
Thanks for your feedbacksqoopproblem1.png
Created 03-01-2017 04:21 PM
Can you check if your "mysql" is listening to which host? (localhost or any specific hostname)? Mysql should by default open 3306 port.
nstatst -tnlpa | grep 3306
try restarting mysql
service mysqld restart
Also try to enclose the --connection string inside Double Quotation mark. As mentioned in my previous example.
Created 03-01-2017 05:26 PM
In Sandbox the default mysql password will be "hadoop" So please try this:
# mysql -u root -p Enter password: hadoop
Then once you are inside the mysql prompt you can run the following kind of queries:
mysql> use mysql mysql> show tables; mysql> select * from help_keyword;
. Then from Sqoop try the following:
# sqoop list-databases --connect "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306" --username root --password hadoop
Created 03-13-2017 10:51 AM
Thanks @jay! I am able to list the tables using mysql database server and its databases and also tables in each data base.