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Share Solr service between two CDP base clusters

New Contributor

Hi, we would like to have a setup in which we manage two separate CDP base clusters (for dev and test) with one Cloudera Manager instance and also share some services between these two clusters.

For example, we would like to have one instance of Solr, but have two instances of Ranger (one installed on each cluster) that share the same Solr service (indexes are logically separated like dev_ranger_audits and test_ranger_audits).

But it seems that Cloudera Manager doesn't allow installation of Ranger service if Solr is not installed on the same cluster.

Does anyone know if this is possible to accomplish somehow? Thanks


Super Collaborator

hey @idundovic no it's not possible to share a service b/w two cluster even if they are managed by the same CM.

You need to have separate services for each of the clusters. There will be cluster ids associated with each service and each service will have its own unique service ids in DB which will store config respectively.



Rajat Jangra